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Ode to a good Pal

Post 1


Wsmiley - okEsmiley - smoochLsmiley - okCsmiley - kissMsmiley - kissE

Bsmiley - smoochAsmiley - kissCsmiley - cheerupK

smiley - magicGsmiley - hugAsmiley - hugL

My Shout(oz for round)smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - stiffdrink Serinsmiley - hug

Ode to a good Pal

Post 2


Awh SERIN! What are YOU like!
CHEERS! What a lovely return after a week! I take it that the course is still going smoothly and you have still been out celebrating the well-deserved pass in that last test?!
I'm only here a mo, as is now 7:12am, and I haven't been to bed but am tripping off to the old comfort of the duvet soon. Will catch up with you later, Kid! Hope you've been misbehaving and having fun in my absence. You'll have to fill me in with all the craic! smiley - winkeye

Hasta la vista,
Jen smiley - kisssmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - tongueout

Ode to a good Pal

Post 3


Forgot to say THANKS BUDDY! smiley - hugsmiley - biggrin

Ode to a good Pal

Post 4


Have been crossing threads with you again Jen..have not caught you.. not much has been happening in my neck of the woods 'cept I have only 3 more essays to do and 2 reports during my 2 month placement and then Its freedomsmiley - biggrin however the 3 essays have to be done by 07/09 so I will probaly have to unplugg myself from the site for a time...if that is possible...gonna give it my best shot..however am tired so will start on the essays is piddleing down here Jen also..hope London went well..cheers Serinsmiley - smiley

Ode to a good Pal

Post 5


Hi Jen just me early mornin ramblin..tis very lonely on this site now..dunno what went on but it must have been awful to knock so many people into reduced time..hardly here from Spidey much now...still maybe unlike me everbody has got a life outside the bloody computer...Still have to contrast things to when I first started and it did seem a lot more energetic on the threads..have you noticed things have died down?? Maybe apart from the anomisity it is due to the site being testy as far as access goes..I am due to hammer out one of my final essays wrapped Jen...(very oz saying for happy)it is a bewt summery spring day..and am meeting a friend at a surfbeach later on with the spaniel she has a chocholate labrador called cleo and they have a doggy date...well I do hope to see a tad bit more of yah Jen as I must admit to feeling a bit of a Pen Jen withdrawalsmiley - cheerup..mind yah I know we have all got to get on with our real lives sometimes...smiley - biggrin
Cheers for now Serin

Ode to a good Pal

Post 6


Sorry about typos must start previewing just bit lazy after hammering out essays if there aint a spell check can't be your not precious about such things anyway...cheers Irish...Serin

Ode to a good Pal

Post 7



Finally!!!!!!!!!!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

We have been missing ech other on the threads, and yes has got rather quiet. I've hardly been on since i got back. Probably a good thing as was on TOO much. STILL haven't written anything in an age, is pissing me off too. It's 11:24pm here, rainning, dark and smells like Autumn - my fave time of the year. The heat is on, the dog is purring (he thinks he's a cat), and the man is watching crap on the telly downstairs. he's just come back from a 4yr old's birthday party that began at 1pm today. I couldn't go as was working. Nearly wish I had as got bag snatched in fecking Tescos! Well, it was the 'Tesco' bag with 3 books just bought, 2 newspapers, carton of Royals (fags), and i'd stupidly shooved my army jacket into the bag which had my house keys and shite in pockets. Thank feck my purse wasn't inside.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, (yawn), as the fella at party in another town, me no phone, up shit creek, fecked off an d fuming and thinking just maybe, maybe my wee brother (about 2 ft taller than wee Jen), would have a spare set. He in another pub and couldn't find his own keys for hIS flat. AAAAGGGGHHHHH....

ANYWAY, (are U still awake?!), got a nice taxi-man to take e home (and NOT like that! Really Serin, that mind of yours! Tut!), and thank-god the front window was a tad open, so forced it moreso and i had to scramble in, trying to squeeze 5ft 5.5" & 9stone into a letter-box size gap is pretty difficult, let me tell ye, BUT I did (was a sorry sight too!). Worse still is that we live on a main busy road and I got a wee bit stuck, grazed my knee and my fly came down! Yikes! My dog was going mental and barking like a banshee and yet NOT one person raised an eyebrow by me openly breaking and entering. Well, it is my own house and I guess my neighbours know what I look like. Ah well, exciting day..... How will yours spill out?
Love the puppy-love going on there!
How's the essays shaping out, nearly all turfed out I hope? Just think afher the 7th your a free mad 'un! Enjoy the swing-sing of your glorious day, I'm envious as hell!

Good to be back, babe! smiley - winkeyesmiley - coolsmiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - tongueout

Ode to a good Pal

Post 8



Ah well, t'was worth the ole spread! smiley - laugh

Pingggggggggggggggggggggg-Jen! smiley - cheers

Ode to a good Pal

Post 9


Geez when yah back Yah sure are back babe...big bold and erect postsmiley - tongueoutlurrrrv it..what a day last week was a bit similar I live in an old 1870's building that looks like a church..not that it was a church..but the big front window was my only way in as the front door when it rains gets stuck...I was ass up in the air moonin the cows in the front paddock..kinda like the time when I first moved in and did a bit of a nuddy run to my wardrobe when getting dressed ..we had no curtains and I though blime me nobody goes past this time of the mornin (just moved to the quiter movin country yah understand Jen) then just in middle of brisk run starkers to the wardrobe..remember large windows no curtains Jen......what goes sailing past the bloody school bus ful of kids.....smiley - blushsmiley - ermsmiley - blush partner suggested sellin tickets and makin a business out of it...such an Arfur Daily..smiley - biggrinHope the writing starts to flow Jen..I remember David Bowie saying to write songs he would put some ideas into a hat and pull em out and then write a song around them...I thought he did something like that (honestly) ashes to ashes fun to funky we know major Tom's a Junky....coulden't be any other method Jen? Still apparantly someone has now given him a software package and that does it for him...mind you I don't think he has had much of a hit since. So maybe try the hat either that or Spidey has the 60 word story stuff goin on that might be a shunt in the write direction (that was shunt Jen) anyway best be slavin at the essay as it is 9.50 am have to pull the plug on the net so that I can make some phone call...smiley - cheersand never never please get an ordinary life....smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrinsmiley - bubblysmiley - aleSerin

Ode to a good Pal

Post 10


Okey-doaky starky!! Those poor kids!!smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh
I got caught one dancing around my bedroom (to the Cure or something), in a rented-shared, second floor flat, (which was ALSO on a main road, although I thought nobody would see/look that far up)., windows down, yellow-tinted net curtains blowin' in the wind, and little did I know that the 'Army', (as in ones who came to prance and perch themelves on their honkers, rifle between legs, on street corners for a time before the cease-fire, and as if we didn't see them), were on this very street and at least 5 of them pointing up and laughing at the fraggle in her 99p knickers. I was mortified and wouldn't come out of the house until they left. Missed a damn good quiz night in the local that night! Now, I always stay away from the window, as it can ne a pane! He! He!
As for my barren muse, maybe I should just throw on the ole stereo, be it Jazz, Bowie or the blues and see what inspires....
As for that '60 word thing' I have enrolled, and even THAT can't gey me fired. Me thinks I need another sip of amber juice... smiley - ale... Back to work, girl and enjoy the rest of your w'end! Always a pleasure, treasure! smiley - magic

Speak again soon, moonspoon! smiley - winkeyesmiley - bubblysmiley - discosmiley - tongueoutsmiley - biggrin

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