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Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 1


Hi Jen please feel free to say no. I would like some scenarios. Ok if they are your own but may prove tricky if you have not worked through some issues. Something I had in mind was like My boyfriend has not been very constuctive lately.. then I take it from there by saying "when you say constructive what do you mean can you tell me what not being constructive means to you?" Is this something we could do I am meant to counsel somebody to get the underlying problem, you may not know what that is but mainly I have to do is associate the feelings that you have in the situation. I reckon it would take 10 mins to 20 mins though and we would have to work out what times we could do it..anyway I'm off to see the lecturer and she is going through my tape with me and I may have more info tonight..(your morning we are 9 hours ahead of you)I thought it was not really unrelated to getting into writing about a character..and may benefit both of us in that..I hope it all makes sense to you Jen...It just maybe a good technique for me to relate to underlying feelings..And remember you can makes something up but please try and stay with that this too much to ask of you as I know you are busy? Could you tell me if you are up for it what time you would be avail to stay on line with me for about 10 mins may slightly longer cheers Serin..Ps I feel it is a bit me me me at present Jen but I am just trying to try different angles to get this thing nailed on Thursday..I hope your weekend was good and it looks like our Olympic Venture has fizzled out (I think somebody peed on the torch Jensmiley - biggrin) maybe me I did set a really hard task..any way smiley - cheers for now and I will await your response..smiley - biggrinI think I will be back to myself after this hurdle Jensmiley - ok

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 2


I was reading this and thinking, OK, right.... yes, know what you mean, erm, (me serious cap on), yes, ok, give it a go, righteo..... THEN you go and make me laugh by saying someone 'peed on the torch' and with a fecking blobby man! smiley - laugh
Sorry my input wasn't great there, was preoccupied end of last week and been away too. Haven't been able to get motivated or write for a while now and it's fecking me off. Also have to cut down time here as it's doing my head in and I'm pissed off reading other people's works and they too fecking smug/selfish to reply or return favour. Don't know why I bother. It's like someone peeing on your leg then telling you it's raining. Doesn't work.
ANYWAY, I'll get over it...smiley - smiley

So, explain what you want me to do and I'll try to aid you as best I can. Will be here for a wee while, couple of hours. Now 1:46am.
Will be ready in about 15 mins as have to say g'night to partner (just a peck will suffice tonight, I'm afraid!), let dog out for pee, take the Wheelie Bin out, make another coffee and find some smokes.
Available for role-play then.....

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 3


Coulden't sustain being serious too long yah know Jen..hence the blobby man..

Anyway what it is in the role play you just be yourself and give me a problem that you have come to get some counselling about. But for your own sake I was suggesting it is a problem that you are well and truly over so that this role play does not open up old wounds...bloody emotions are tricky..I will then take it from there. The problem can be anything at all as I do not know what I am going to get on Thursday. All I have to do is relate your feelings surrounding the problem accurately and get to the underlying problem. I have to ask you a question about physical feelings so please don't do a my pal did the night before my assesment and tell me to feck it is a necessary evil for me to pass on Thursday...cheers Jen..just let me know if that is what your feeling when I ask the questions or if it is not really...I will start off on Thursday with anintroduction then the confidentiallity and then ask you to tell me a bit about yourself and then you can tell me that...and then what have you come to talk about if yah want we can start from that point now..(oh anything I put in brackets is practicals about the role play not the actual counselling)
So Pen Jen can you tell me a bit about yourself...

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 4


(don't forget yah can make it up entirely as long as yah know the feelings that surround your made up story Jen)

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 5


Gimme 5 mins - gotta go toilet, seriously.... back fully ready to go, OK?

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 6


Ok get I get the feeling that you are really needing the toilet Jensmiley - biggrin Just let me know when you are back and I will start...

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 7


Right, dribbled, wiped, washed the hands and ready to go (that sounds disgusting!) - sorry!

I can pretend to be someone else or base on a past experience? Something real?
Have a few ideas but would like to know in this 'counselling' it covers from small to big consultations, from shop-lifting, bullying, physical etc abuse? Can you give me an idea of what might be most likely to come up on Thursday and i'll play with that, whatever 's most suitable?
Strangely, we never covered this area in that course i did so this is a new one with me, but I'm willing to participate.

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 8


You Ready?smiley - erm

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 9


Thats the thing Jen Have no idea what i will get on Thursday..I had a woman who is in a defacto relationhip and did not want the partners kids living for a year with the bioligcal mother was going abroad for a year..the partner want the kids to live in the womans house...some others had a suicide..(we have not even covered that yet and she ended up getting a credit)...not that I would suggest you would give me anything like this...but please for your own sake I stress make it real but not something you can't stand back from..for instance rows a work..anything job loss..relationhsip problems.. does that help...

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 10


Hello Pen Jen can you tell me a little about yourself..

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 11


Hi. I'm 33 in a rship for nearly 11 years and from a big family. No kids, good love life, social life, good job.

(Is this what you want? This will be a mix of my life and problem based many friend's circumstances in life)

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 12


(bewt your on the money Jen)

So sound like your life is pretty content at present Jen(reflection of content) you say that you have a big family good love life and sociol and a good jobs. Sound like things are going really cruisy.

Can you tell me why you have come here today Jen?

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 13


Well, it's kind of embarrassing really and maybe a bit stupid. Feel like I really shouldn't be here but it is getting me down a bit...

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 14


Correct me if I'm wrong but I get the sense your feeling a bit down on yourself Jen...can you tell me a bit about that...

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 15


Well, it's just that i never seem to have any time for 'me'. i always seem to be doing this, doing that for friends, the family, work, my partner and sometimes i just gets too much. Like i'm expected to be at the end of the phone at anytime, ready to go at any moment, drop everything to get something done at work, sort out everyone's problems when i've enough of my own...

(is this OK?)

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 16


(Fantasmagorical Jen tah)

So what your saying Jen (reflection of content) is that your'e feeling that you are putting a lot of effort in for others when you are feeling under the pump yourself is that a correct Jen?

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 17


Yeah, guess you could say that. I'm just afraid that it'll sound like I'm complaining, nagging, can't take the heat. As if I'm not strong enough or too selfish or too lazy or as if I don't care. But sometimes I'd just love to say 'no, can't do, sorry'. Just feel like I'm being taken for a ride, for granted...

(Christ, I've been unable to write anything for the last week and now you ask me on this and I'm flowing out...Ha! smiley - winkeye)

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 18


(yeah I thought it might kill two stonessmiley - biggrin)

(Summary) so Jen you mentioned that you feel under the pump and that you don't want people to think that you are selfish or can't take the heat...I get the feeling that you feel that you have to be there for people irrispective of your own needs.. sounds like your feeling a little resentful of that correct?

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 19


Yeah well, it seems the more you do the more they want. They don't appreciate it that you need brething space and time for yourself. In work, for eg, it seems the less you do the more you're respected. with the family, the better you are, as in behaviour and keeping the nose clean, the less they seem to worry or care for you. As for homew, i seem to do all the house work, all the bill stuff, make all the decisions, sort out everything and No one, no one ever asks me 'hey, are you OK?", like i'm not meant to be stressed, angry, sad, depressed, lonely, hurt, snowed under, fecked off.... Like I'm not 'allowed' to let my defences down and show my feelings, emotions etc... know what i mean? (big sigh)

(Geez, think even I NEED a drink after that! smiley - ale)

Bit of a favour well really it's a big one!

Post 20


( Imissed a big one Jen)

You have said you feel taken for granted can you tell me a little about how that feels jen what sort of things do you feel when you feel like your taken for granted???

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