The Lucid Irish Idiot

Music is the most universal language of the people today, and of people millions of years ago. Perhaps it can be perseived that communication with words was too trancient for some, but music may have filled that void. I am a musician trapped in the Florida. I enjoy bluegrass, celtic, jazz, rock, middle eastern music, gamelan, just about anything. I love studying the derivations of each genre and the impact each have made on society.
I am also a fond believer in "Every man is capable of discovering truth by his own intuition" Emerson. I often try my best to perceive things from many agles, and in many ways before deciding what I really beleave in. I beleave every one is deserving of love, and respect, and should be treated that way. I feel that many of the people today submit themselves to petty nonesense and should be more enthusiastic about things that really matter, like unity among people. I've noticed that so many people strap lables on to parties to controll others, really too sides of the same spectrum, and it dosn't get us anywhere.
I am a fan of Jiddu Krishnamurti, and I highly recommend "Think on these things" to anyone. He has some very interesting things to say.


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