Tarastar's middle name is Jane!
I enjoy writing poetry and reading others and I especially enjoy reading science fiction and fantasy!

I just have to say that on this site through poetry I met the love of my life, Ben is the most sweetest and loving person and I love him. So i declare that my 'star' and 'soul mate' poems are devoted to Ben, Ben filled my hole with golden magic! I will Love him always.

I love this website because everyone gets to express their inner most selves which is hard to talk about so I say well done!

People who help when I'm in need and have a conversation with!
Also have a great imagination!
angel peacedove

What I'd do instead of writing:
Do art (enjoy drawing)
sing (Carpenters songs)
Breathe, eat, sleep...!
P.S If to say thank you I'll leave a butterfly.
Birth: 02/08/1988 Tara bluebutterfly

More about me, view these poems:
Strength to weakness : A2730548
Weakness to strength A2748161

Other best poems:
Star: A2747865
Red roses stay mellow: A2929331
Rainbow: A2726598
Being a teenager: A2756216
Hero Harry: A2706608

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goodbye Mar 20, 2005 No Replies


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Researcher U707425


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