This is the Message Centre for capricornWimpey

blog 2

Post 1


One last try then Sheila..otherwise I can't understand it..I have just typed in
By the time you get there you will probably wonder why you ever bothered..smiley - laugh

blog 2

Post 2


Hi Julie just got home will try again in a minute, have been with elderly FIL (98) and OH all day in Horsham so need a coffee and a sit down before the brain will even think about working.....Hope you are Aok Sheila

blog 2

Post 3


Honey I got there and I have to say that you have a pair of very good looking boys, and what a lovely smile you have... I wish I knew how to send you a photo of me,as you can tell I am a bit of a technophobe (sp).

blog 2

Post 4


Found your answer at last..was looking in the wrong message..Glad you liked the pics of the kids..I think I uploaded them from picasso..they are quite good..or image shack is another one that lots of people use,but I always have to get help. I am hopeless at that sort of thing, don't even know where to plug the wires for the camera in..Never mind, that's what we women are all about..
Cheers, Julie

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