This is the Message Centre for capricornWimpey

Hi Sheila,

Post 1


See you made it..I still haven't a clue..I just press on someone's name and see what comes up..Ha Ha..Can I add you to my list of friends?
Best wishes, Julie..Honeycook

Hi Sheila,

Post 2


Please do Julie, I feel like a schoolgirl getting into something I shouldn't, stupid I know but there it is. Are you feeling better now after your bronchial problems of last week, my virus seemed to have gone and the cough subsided then last night I was awoken by myself coughing and had to get up twice in all and then again when I got up this morning, so I am keeping everything crossed that it hasn't returned......Raining at the moment so maybe it will lay the pollen and I will start to feel better....

Hi Sheila,

Post 3


Hi Sheila,
I get the feeling I may have sent a message to myself by mistake..takes a bit of working out all this..but it is innocent enough and also part of the should be safe long as that meringue woman doesn't decide to invade..weirdo.. Feeling slightly less bronchial but also have trouble with this pollen problem..walked the dog for a while this morning and the machines were out cutting the grass..nearly choked myself coming home..couldn't even smoke a ciggie..which I should not be doing at all..but then again..have to do something.. Hope you feel a bit better soon.
Cheers, Julie

Hi Sheila,

Post 4


I think that Skoorb was definitely on a wind up but it got out of hand and now she/he feels threatened because she/he is geting a dose of their own medicine......doesn't like but it's a tough old world... mind you I had quite a laugh when I was reading it all.

You are in Holland aren't you, I have been a few times but to Den Bosch (sp) always came back very chilled out, I don't know why but always found it to be very calming. I (we) live on the south coast of England in a place that Spike Milligan used to say the old went to die.......probably wasn't all that wrong,not that I intend going anywhere just yet,haha Sheila

Hi Sheila,

Post 5


Hi again,
Yes I have lived here for thirty years..came here on my own on the 4th June 1977 and ended up staying for 30 years, getting married and having two boys..21 and 19 now..My husband is from Wales, though both his parents were from mother was also a Londoner and my father Italian..They have been dead since I was 18 and 19..and I will be 56 in time flies..I live about 20 minutes from Amsterdam..not as nice as where you were..I prefer it down there to here, as you say quite relaxed..Where I live is too full of stressed out people but it is where the work is..We did go back to Scotland in 1996, only lasted 3 years, my kids couldn't adapt, so we came back..I wouldn't mind moving back to UK, preferably England..My youngest has got it into his head to go and study in Aberdeen next year??

Hi Sheila,

Post 6


Hi Julie,
I can give you 10 years and my eldest granddaughter has almost finished her 1st year at Uni in Canterbury doing forensics......I should love to say she gets her brains from me but sadly no, after the length of time it took me to crack h2g2, I joined the site a couple of weeks ago and up until now couldn't do anything with it, how sad is that...TTFN Sheila

Hi Sheila,

Post 7


Looks as if I am also sending myself messages........Sheila

Hi Sheila,

Post 8


No that's okay Sheila, I got this Johnny the Cook's joined in..good fun this..prefer it at the moment to MSN..goes a bit slower..just like me smiley - laugh..With Veeke's help I will try MSN again this evening..

Hi Sheila,

Post 9


Great stuff Julie, when you know how you can teach me perhaps.....I think I am posting to myself again ??????????

Hi Sheila,

Post 10


You see, I have just been pressing reply when a message comes in..think I should first click on the senders name and then reply..haven't a clue..but I keep finding messages I have written to others in my own space box..have asked purp to come along and help us out..or any other intelligent pwerson who isn't me smiley - biggrin

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