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Good to chat

Post 1


Fun chatting and being online at the same time, shame it's so late.
Van smiley - cool

Good to chat

Post 2


Lightweight dirty boysmiley - laugh
Love chattin to you lil dood, I think we are good chums and its good to chunder on aboot any old rubbish with yer matessmiley - ok
I would love to drink your health with a pint of cold, sweet cider, as the mood takes me, but being a respectable mum, I don' t have anysmiley - wah
I'm bad enough with crisps, this gels weakness, but blimey if I could get my hands on some alcohool, I reckon I could become a bit of an Oliver Reed...
Disgudting stufff, don't like itsmiley - laugh
Take care and deliver on your promise of utter filthsmiley - magicsmiley - cheerssmiley - laugh

Good to chat

Post 3


Wahey! Van and Soo online at the same time smiley - biggrin

Good to chat

Post 4


We were...
But I am in need of sleep sometimes, not like you durtee stopootsmiley - ok
I am well peeved I missed you, but please rest assurred that I always do look for you van!!smiley - hug
Do you do messenger?
Take care and make sure you don't let me down, and have a wild blokes nite oot with your good buddy doodsmiley - magic
Soo, who must be obeyed!
(or she sulks)smiley - hug

Good to chat

Post 5


hi soo.

My sleeping is *still* all shot to pieces but I must log off soon and at least try to get some shut eye. I am on msn but I haven't downloaded IM because it will take too long. Broadband soon though and then I can smiley - smiley

Had a good weekend. Didn't see girlie on fri but we had a phone chat and have agreed to draw up some groundrules. Then saw sis and bro-in-law on saturday day and the met my bro and had an after hours session in the pub where he works. Then went for my mate's lunch on sun afternoon. Was really good fun and we had many laughs and a fair few smiley - ales.

Should have carried on our normal thread but I saw you were online. Hope you had a good weekend.
Van smiley - cheers

Good to chat

Post 6


Keep missing you doodsmiley - sadface
Glad to hear you did n't let me down, and made a BIG beer footprint on the weekend...
I am so glad you have bro and bro in law and good buddy doods to keep you company.
It may be my wishful thinking, but you seem to be handling it all with girlie very well, very calm.
Maybe you are just good at surface?
Groundrules are good, but ooh the temptation and excitement of playing with the drawn lines...
You could both slip at anytime, and smacks to me of you being back up material.
Shes out there, van, go get hersmiley - hug

Quote of the day

Post 7


yay- you're quote of the day on the FP smiley - ok
Well done, soo. smiley - cheers

Quote of the day

Post 8


How on earth did I manage that van man?
We are n't all blessed with looks or decent names...
I omitted to say that my bud from infants, becky, remembered a totally different one, Titless....
Don't think that one would have made it to the front page...
Captain Beaky was also a joy and delight, as I have a little bit of a konk, and I have fond memories really of going into french and my two chums Simon and Ian and they started to trumpet the tune...
I got told off so many times for turning round to talk to them...
You sound good vansmiley - hug

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