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Holst - Planets Suite
gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Started conversation Mar 1, 2010
Hi lapis!!
Cannot sleep for some reason, so wandering around PSs..
You mention liking The Planets....
For a really amazing treatment of that particular LP, you should try to get hold of Isao Tomita's treatment of it.....
It will blow your mind.
It is difficult to find though as Holst's daughter tried to get it yikesed!!!!
Holst - Planets Suite
U695218 Posted Mar 7, 2010
Hi GT,
I remember the name Tomita from the 70s but I don't have nor have I heard any of his stuff.
An incredible piece of music from Holst though. I like all the pieces,however, my favourite is still Saturn.
Hope you got to sleep OK eventually.
Holst - Planets Suite
gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Posted Mar 15, 2010
Hi lapiz
Tomita <Isao Tomita) also did Debussi's 'Snowflakes are Dancing'
Again, brilliant if you are own, wearing headphones, and a glass of whisky at your side!!
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Holst - Planets Suite
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