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gandalfstwin OGGMSTKMBGSUIKWIATA Started conversation Oct 7, 2009
Hi Lapis!
Just read through your music listing. Like me, you seem to like almost everything!!
Holst Planets is one of my favourites, but the version I like best is the Isao Tomita version, the one that Holst's widow tried to get banned!!!
Hope you don't mind me adding you to my friends list......
U695218 Posted Oct 7, 2009
Not at all GT.
Yes, the Planets was one of earliest classic faves. I stiil delve into it from time to time. My favourite movement is Saturn, but they're all fantastic.
I'm off to Bahrain at 12 noon today for my weekend (here it's Thursday and Friday), so I'll be off line until I come back on Saturday.
When do the clocks change in Britain? Because when they do, it'll be GMT+3 here (it's GMT+2 at the moment. Bharain=
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