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strong beer

Post 1

Taff Agent of kaos


not had russian beer sounds nice

had the saudi stuff, mousey and swan 0%

had a couple of cans of tennants super 9%(tramp fuel)left at my house a couple of weeks back so watching the rugby i made some shandys for my mate and i

5.4% shandy......nice

smiley - bat

strong beer

Post 2


You can also buy Baltika 9 for THE SAME PRICE as Baltika 7 (BD 11= 19 pounds sterling for a 24 can carton) which is wicked because Baltika 9 is like Tennants Super: one of those drinks which is more like a barley wine than a beer: serious head damage, I've had too many goes trying to enjoy that and it doesn't agree with me.

strong beer

Post 3

Taff Agent of kaos

i try for quantity rather than strength these days

tesco do their own dutch lager 3% £5.50 for a 12 pack of 500ml

compared to carlsberg 3.8% £14 ish for 24 of 440ml

smiley - bat

strong beer

Post 4


Do you get most of your booze from supermarkets ?(christ! a massive clap of thunder outside and rain).
How much is a pint in a pub these days (or don't you bother with pubs too much?)

strong beer

Post 5

Taff Agent of kaos

the club i go to is £2.15 a pint, weatherspoons is around the £2 mark, depending on the day or deal they are offering, pubs in general are up around £2.30 - £2.50...ish

i have a wine cooler fridge in my study and i can get 24 cans in the bottom shelf, so yes most of my drinking is at home with supermarket beer

smiley - bat

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