This is the Message Centre for honeycook


Post 1


Hello Honeycook

Well I think that I've worked this h2g2 thing out.

So at 34 perhaps I'm not quite so much of a technophobe after all!

Hope this finds you well!



Post 2


Hi Tracy,
Let's see if I have sussed out how to reply..smiley - laugh


Post 3


Thank you Julie, I will try that.....Hope you had a good rest you must have needed it...


Post 4


Hello Julie

It's only me got your reply. Hurrah we may just have cracked it smiley - bubbly

Hope you are alright today. I've just got another day in the asylum stretching ahead of me but hey it'll soon be the weekend.


Post 5


Good for us Tracey..too early for a celebration drink though smiley - laugh
Cheers, Julie


Post 6


OK perhaps before midday was a bit too early for a drink. (even a lunchtime drink these days and all I want to do in the afternoon is sleep!)


Post 7


Hi Julie, have you found my answer ? I think I have cracked it and even started a blog.....nothing in it yet...that's a bit too difficult for my brain without a rest in between .....Sheila


Post 8


Sheila,, at this late hour..I haven't found your answer...did you find my blog///hear tomorrow..Love , Julie


Post 9


Hi Julie, Beginning to think I am losing my marbles, yes I found it and (I think) I left a reply ?????Sheila


Post 10


Hi Julie, What a pity you won't be able to come to the 'Lunch'at the Crispy Duck, but I guess it would be just a tad expensive smiley - biggrin


Post 11


Hi Sheila,
Maybe when I finally become rich..smiley - my dreams? Maybe one day there will be a meet up in Amsterdam..How are you today..I have to force myself to go and make some Italian meatballs but am not at all in the mood for cooking..Ah Well!!


Post 12


Hi Julie,

We have been out to visit my eldest daughter and see her new bungalow, really nice though in need of redecoration but the garden is super, really long but divided into different parts. Ponds and veggies,loads of plants fruit trees and shrubs, even a well so they can water the garden when we have a drought, I just know they will be so happy there.

Cocquille san Jacques for supper and OH will have a jacket potato as well, some green veg and the large glass of wine he has already poured......Yum Yum..Sheila


Post 13


Hi Sheila,
That sounds a lovely place where your daughter will be living. I come personally from a big old house with lots of space where we lived in Glasgow but when my parents died it was sold. I was too young (only 19) to keep it going.. Anyway, since living in Holland, the oldest house we ever had was 30 years old..very 70's open plan and not at all practical..We sold our house last year as I had trouble making the open stairs with this silly eye..Now we rent, purely because we don't know if we will stay here for ever and it would be nice to go when you want instead of waiting for houses to be sold..This is a really weird build..they have only just planted the trees in the street..however it has 3 floors and there is enough space for 4 of us..but a lot of cleaning..however the garden is tiny but I have managed to fill it to the fore..I love roses and herbs..Funny thing is the whole front of the house is cladded in this awful bronze gold idea what the architect had in mind..Jamie, my eldest said it is the ugliest house he has ever seen,,I told him he dismiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrindn't have to look at outside when he is in..One day I will take a photo and send it on..
Haven't been on CB yet, will take a look later..Just had lasagne which I wasn't in the mood for cooking but did anyway, and it was that's done..Haven't smoked today..trying to give up once again..hope this time it works..sick of the smell and the price..
Cheers for now, Julie


Post 14


Julie, are you really trying to stop smoking, did I read that you are using patches..That's what I used and only needed them for 3 weeksso they really do work but, and it's a Big but, you have really got to Want to do it, Go on You know you want to....smiley - biggrin

I forgot to mention the Westies, my eldest girl used to have a 'Susie' dog (our silly name) and the next youngest has one now called George and also made much of as I know are yours.

In case you wonder I have 4 daughters and 1 son (from whom I am estranged) long story......But my girls and I are like proverbial to blanket hahaha, it isn't always easy now having remarried after my late husband died,sometimes relationships are somewhat strained and I end up feeling I am walking on eggshells,hey ho such is life, well mine anyway........Sheila smiley - biggrin


Post 15


Hi again Sheila,
Forgot to say enjoy your meal, sounds lovely..I only have one wee Westie, I know I posted 2 pictures on the blog but I think they were exactly the same..Honey is 5 ,her birthday was on the 3rd. May..She is lovely but hates the postman so I have to be very careful if I see him/her coming as I am sure she would nip their leg..Funny thing is I think it's the uniform they wear or the carrying of the mail, because I had a friend in the last village we lived in..he was a Gay postman and used to pop in sometimes for a cup of tea or a beer long as he put his mail in the shed and entered the house carrying nothing..she was fine..he once sat for two hours and she sat next to wonder the post takes ages to get here smiley - laugh Last year my old Scot Bob died..We called him Bobby dog..he was a black Scots Terrier and we inherited him from a friend who could no longer look after him when he was 4..He was almost eleven when he died of throat cancer. I had him put to sleep the day before my birthday..worst thing I have ever done in my life..thing is my elder brother died on the day I was burying Bobby's ashes and tell the truth, dreadful thing to say, I shed more tears over my dog than I did over my brother..He was 72 and had led a good life..and he just dropped when he got up one suffering..Yes, I am once again trying to kick the cigs..Hope I make it this time..I cough like an old hen..and the bout of bronchitis recently didn't help..Fingers crossed.. For some reason this message has printed out twice..hope you don't get it twice smiley - biggrin

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