This is the Message Centre for MV Whitby May Rose

Saturdy in Malaga

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

The journey here was very straightforward. I managed to sleep on the plane which was good

We are staying at the Barcelo hotel which is at the new railway station and is rather fab with all sorts of uirky touches like a slide from the 1st floor down to the ground floor ( lthough i havent seen anyone use it so far)

The room is lovely.

malaga is a bit of a mess because of building work everywhere but we have found the nice areas and it is lovely

We went for a wander yesterday afternoon and enjoyed eating out in the sun without even a cardigan ( although it did get cold later). Came back and had a lovely sleep and then went out in the evening. We found a fab bodega by chance and ate there. It was wonderful ( anotnio banderas had been there) and they allowed smoking which of course made me think of Richard and how he would have loved it there.

Today we are going to get tickets for the sightseeing bus and will go round once to get a feel for the place and then go and visit the places of interest.

Tomorrow we will take a train somewhere. I gave up on the morrocco idea.

I feel very relaxed which is a relief as Ive been anxious about coming away.

Time for another cup of tea from my trusty travel kettle.

Saturdy in Malaga

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

Delighted you're having a relaxing time.

I'll join you in a cuppa from the travelling kettle - tea timer has just gone tring!

Have a lovely day.

smiley - hug

Saturdy in Malaga

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose


Yes, here you go, twinings english breakfast and earl grey mix ( virtual of course, Ive only got green)

Saturdy in Malaga

Post 4

woofti aka groovy gravy

I've got some green too. Two sorts. smiley - winkeye

Saturdy in Malaga

Post 5

MV Whitby May Rose

Have you been drinking it? Its very good for you

Just read your journal and see you are picking up on the medical stuff. V good idea.

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