This is the Message Centre for MV Whitby May Rose

Very frosty Monday

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

Im having a very lovely slow start to the day which is almost unheard of

I woke up at 4 and had a chat with Richard on text which was nice. I got up and did the washing up and took the dog back upstairs with me and went back to sleep

I woke again at 7.30 and so far have put my washing away, had a shower, am now having breakfast and I have 2 more hours before I have to go out.

Chris is at work and Lizzie and Cameron are heading to Glasgow later

Bill is still at the cottage and is going to Edinburgh tonight on the way back for 2 talks so he will be quite late home.

Ive got 2 meetings tonight and will be quite late home myself. I think I will pack tonight as Im workingWednesday and Thursday nightsand I want to save tomorrow night for working.

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Very frosty Monday

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