This is the Message Centre for MV Whitby May Rose

So much for this being a day of rest

Post 1

MV Whitby May Rose

After my lovely day yesterday ( last free day until 11th Dec aagh)I have got a lot to do

the week is quite manageable although I need to pack days before going away as I'm tied up with long days Wed and Thursday.

So the plan is swim, dog walk, get on with work. Luzzie is on 11-7 but not sure when chris is home. Bill is going to 2 talks in Edinburgh so ge won't be home until late tomorrow night

So much for this being a day of rest

Post 2

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I managed to get back to sleep so the order of things has to change. I think I will have breakfast/reply to e mails, take Finn out, work and then go for a swim later.

I feel better for the longer sleep ( I almost gave up and got up at 5)

So much for this being a day of rest

Post 3

MV Whitby May Rose

Well I never got fir a swim but I did do 2 dog walks.

I got loads of work done and generally had quite a nice day. I saved the papers until the evening and had a nice relaxing time once everything was done

today I'm going to hilarys with ann and Lesley and then heading through to Stirling for a couple of meetings.

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