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Post 1

I'm not really here

Hi there,

It's me - the lecturing one from the Greyfriar's Bobby thread.

I thought I'd come over to say hi - you sound like you know what you're talking about with rescue dogs - I was worried that the lady who was looking for one was getting the wrong idea and thinking that an older dog would come ready trained and need no work! It can be much harder rescuing, as I'm sure you know, as there may be bad habits to deal with!

What sort of dogs have you got? I've got a retired racing greyhound and a Bitsa.

I'm also a child of the 70s - born in 1970, although I don't remember much more than Abba and the Dukes of Hazzard! (Which one did you fancy? smiley - whistle) I have to admit to having leg warmers and rara skirts. I even had a 'Charlie's Angels' boiler suit at one point. smiley - blush

I'm from Essex too, maybe it's an Essex thing!


Post 2


Hi there!smiley - smiley - thanks for taking the time to stop by and say hello.
smiley - biggrinI've just got one dog, a German Shepherd/Dobermann cross called Flo (or 'Florence' when she's been naughty!!).smiley - laugh As I said to Fizzymouse, that was Flo's name when we got her from Battersea, so I plead 'not guilty' for giving my dog this name!!smiley - laugh Understandably, she did have issues with being left alone, hardly surprising really when you consider her previous owners left her on her own for 12 hours a day.. She got into such a state that she broke her tail bone in two places and had to have it amputated, poor love.smiley - sadface The lady at Battersea noticed us looking at the tail as if to say 'has this tail been docked?' and that was when she explained Flo's history to us. We knew there and then we had to give her a chance.. A couple of months or so later the inspector from Battersea paid a home visit, and said that she'd landed on her paws!!
Anyway, enough about my dog, yours are absolutely gorgeous!! Beauty is an absolutely gorgeous greyhound, and Buster looks similar to Flo, except Flo doesn't have as much black fur or any white fur on her face, although her muzzle is going grey..
As for the Dukes of Hazzard, I fancied the blonde onesmiley - whistle, which is unusual as I normally fancy dark-haired men!smiley - winkeye. I think his name is John Schneider, and he played Bo Duke. I also think he plays Superman's adoptive Dad in Smallville, not that I particularly watch that, but I've caught glimpses every now and again.. But I could be wrong about that..smiley - erm
What part of Essex do you come from? I live in Hainault now, but I used to live in Chigwell (not the Village where the snobs live I hasten to add!!)smiley - laugh I lived just on the border between Chigwell and Hainault, but just about in Chigwell, if you see what I meansmiley - huhsmiley - run.
smiley - cheersChildoftheseventies


Post 3

I'm not really here

Buster didn't have that much white on his face until recently - he was all black and tan except for the white patch on his chest. He's getting aged now - his latest trick is collapsing onto his side at odd moments which is such fun because he doesn't understand what's happening, and it looks a bit too much like he's dead when he's lying there.

Have you got any pictures of your dog?

I liked Bo Duke as well - I had a poster of him on my bedroom door when I was younger. smiley - blush I haven't seen Smallville - has he aged well?

I live here - A4298646 and have done for my entire life - all but five years in virtually the same postcode. I'm not very adventurous, although I do tend to travel the country in my very small motorhome when the weather is warm.


Post 4


Aww.. Poor Buster.. Must be scary for you, too..smiley - dogbless him.. I do have pictures of Flo which I'd love to share with you.. Unfortunately, I'm about as technically minded as a wooden post so I don't have a clue how to get them downloaded onto my laptop.. (Actually, it's my brother's laptop, but he lets me use it)smiley - erm.I know my brother had a picture of Flo as a screensaver at one point, but old gormless here didn't see how he did it..smiley - sorry. He downloaded it from his digital camera, but that's all I can tell you, I'm afraid..smiley - doh I'm fairly new to this computing lark.. Would it involve scanning, as we don't have a scanner, either, or a printer.smiley - huh.
You have perfect taste. I didn't have the poster though, unfortunately, although I did have posters of the likes of A-ha and Duran Duransmiley - blushsmiley - blushsmiley - blush. Sad but true!! As for John Schneider, he's aged fairly well, but I still picture him through Bo Duke-tinted spectacles, so I don't think I'm the best person to judge!
So you live in Brentwood.. I have a cousin who lives there, but I haven't been there for ages.. It's probably changed a lot since then. I bet it's reallysmiley - coolto go travelling when the weather's nice.. There are some lovely places in Britain..smiley - cheers


Post 5

I'm not really here

To get pictures online you need either a scanner, digital camera, or internet camera phone. I'll just have to imagine her!

Brentwood never seems to change much to me - the latest good news was they got rid of the precinct and build a 'shopping centre' which is rubbish, especially as since they did that they've now banned dogs from walking through it. I love this discrimnation against dog owners! They are talking about predestrianising the high street (as they have been doing since it was built I expect!), but they don't actually want to stop cars driving through, so that'll be fun.

What's Hainault like?


Post 6


Hmm.. How best to describe Hainault.. There are plenty of shops, but it doesn't take too long to get to Ilford or Romford by bus if you can't find the ones you want(providing the buses are running!)..smiley - biggrin There's a tube station (where my brother works), so access to London is quite quick (providing the trains are running!) smiley - laugh, there's Hainault Country Park ( I think that's what it's called), but we tend to take Flo to Claybury Park, which is nearer to where we live. It made me cross on your behalf to read about Brentwood Council's (I assume they're the guilty party), ban on dogs going through the shopping centre. smiley - steam. Do they think that they'll terrorise potential customers?!smiley - steamsmiley - steam. Sorry, I just had to let off a littlesmiley - steam there! Also, how can you have a pedestrianised high street if you're still going to let cars through?!smiley - headhurts. Oh well.. That's local authorities for you, I suppose.. Anyway, must go now. Nice to talk to you again.
smiley - dogsmiley - coolsmiley - cheers


Post 7

I'm not really here

It's not the council, it's apparently private land with an invitation to enter, or something like that.

Still, it's just been sold so maybe the new owners will have a rethink. I wouldn't mind, but it's the main route through to the back of the high street and the library!


Post 8


oh, I see..smiley - ok I hope they do reconsider their position (couldn't find a 'fingers crossed' smiley unfortunately)

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