Kerisu. Threat: Minimal

Full Name: Kelsey Jane Courtney
Nickname: Kerisu (though, people have called me other names like: ‘that girl who draws’, Courtney, Chelsea, Kelly, most of which I respond to… but I’ve also been called Tony and Thursday… don’t ask, ‘cause I don’t know.)
Race / Nationality: Caucasian, American (Irish, German, Native American, and English descent.)
Place of Birth: Montgomery County Maryland, USA
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/ Lazy Neutral
Occupation: High-school Student, 10th grade, to be exact.
Age: 15
Gender: female
Eye Color: brown
Hair: Brown, always in a pony tail, and slightly curly.
Height: 5’ 5”
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: scrawny upper-body, but thick legs
Distinguishing Features: very thick eyelashes, and sometimes wears a lot of red or black eye-makeup

Labels: Artist, Cartoonist, Christian, Comedian, Geek, Dork, Nerd, Teacher’s Pet, Packrat, Democrat, Liberal, Furry, Gamer, high-maintenance, Girl Scout, Sophomore, Bookworm, Genius, Homophobe, Telephonophobe, Broke, Deaf, Prude, Skeptic, Weakling, Soda/pasta/cheese-a-holic,

Personality: I’m slightly Sarcastic, I want people to like me, but without them knowing I want them to like me. I’m easily entertained and easily annoyed. I Tend to stay out of other people’s business unless it greatly affects me. I love positive recognition from others. I’m easy to get along with, but not easy to befriend. I have a habit of prejudging (not always good or bad) and I’m a big grudge-holder I go by the saying “an eye for an eye”
Strengths: I consider myself a good judge of character, I think I have a good sense of humor, I can easily pick up on or understand new or abstract ideas or concepts. I also have a good eye for color and texture, and I’m a good judge of Vocal talent.
Weaknesses: I’m very physically weak, and lazy. Occasionally, I neglect daily hygiene, but it never gets out-of-hand, I’m very forgetful when it comes to people’s names, how to do mathematical equations, and what day it is. I have difficulty telling time on a regular clock, and I’ve little to no sense of time… whatsoever. Also, My hearing is very… off. While I can still tell you’ve said something, I may mishear it. I also Slouch a lot. In fact, I’m doing it now. My back hurts… Scoliosis runs in my family, you know… as does skin cancer.
Likes: anything cute, comic books/manga, rock/grunge/alternative/heavy-meatal/80’s music, horror, comedy, sci-fi, cheese, pasta, dark chocolate, soda, candy, RPGs, anything amusing, roller-coasters, carnivals, theme parks, Comedy Central, Time Magazine, Mad Magazine, and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
Dislikes: republicans, Hip-Hop/R&B, seafood, vegetables, ants, wasps, flies, mosquitoes, termites, etc, the Atkins diet, exercise, ignorance, reality TV, Hilary Duff, the president, talking on the phone, shopping for shoes, fan-fiction authors that continually write homosexual romances between characters that are not gay, and Math teachers
Fears: sickness, death, injury, etc, abandonment, making a fool of myself, and discomfort
Goals: to make at least two friends, to gain a good reputation, and become a community Artist.
Hobbies: Drawing, playing Video-games, reading, writing, watching TV, shopping for books, navigating the internet, and complaining.

Favorite color: grey
Typical Clothing: large, baggy t-shirts with witty sayings printed on them, jeans/bondage pants, sneakers or sandals, depending on the weather, and a watch. Also, when outside a Pleather cap and a maroon/black jacket that, although falling apart, is always the right temperature and size.
Special Possessions: my current notebook and Mechanical Pencil (which I carry everywhere), Gameboy advance SP, Thin-but-fluffy faded grey towel, CD player and weird Al/Linkin Park/Queen/Eminem Show/Billy Joel CD’s
Pet: Milo, the hyper female black-footed Ferret

History: I Was always rather anti-social, strange, and easily upset, I’d spend hours in My room playing by myself. My father worked long hours, and we always had plenty of money. At age five, my little sister, Candice, was born, and since then, she has done better than me at her age, and, although only ten, is taller than me… and makes sure she reminds me of it every single day. She also wears these big platform boots, a shiny hat and a leather jacket… just around the house… I wouldn’t doubt it if she slept in them…

Also, I have a tendency to rant…

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Kerisu, you've been ACE'd Mar 27, 2004


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Can I join? Jan 21, 2005 Jan 26, 2005
Random Quote Jan 21, 2005 No Replies
sign me up No Posting Oct 29, 2004
Kerisu, you've been ACE'd No Posting Mar 27, 2004


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Researcher U676413


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