This is the Message Centre for The Reverend Something or Other

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 181

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Of course Reverend dear smiley - smooch

smiley - devil

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 182

The Reverend Something or Other

Are you aware that, somehow, in only the past 4 days or so, we have accrued 180+ posts here? And then there is the other line. Just love to chat with my friends.

(Actually, I'm pretty sure B'Elana and I have a much larger count, on both lines. She, too, is a very fun lady to converse with. And keeps the mind ticking ...)

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 183

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I think you have been talking to B'Elana longer than you have me smiley - smiley

One day I am going to have a really long lurk in your PS. Todate I have restrained myself...well curiousity can work both ways smiley - winkeye

smiley - evilgrin

smiley - devil

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 184

The Reverend Something or Other

Lurk all you like, dear lady. I believe the thread B'El and I use predominantly was originated with the ICAN sutff, and so rather obscure to the casual wanderer.

But yes, she perhaps lent and bent an ear a week or so longer. You aren't jealous, are you sweetie? I don't love you any less. Honest! Besides, in a good heart, there is room for mannnnnny good friends.

Now, a quick smiley - kiss and a smiley - hug and I must have a bite of supper. My lady is off to her Ladies Dart League. And I CANNOT miss the RL smiley - hug and smiley - smooch.

smiley - ta

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 185

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

You've been on iCan with Bel? smiley - yikes

Now you shock me!!

smiley - angel

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 186

The Reverend Something or Other

She initated that link between the iCan and hootoo. I only see it in my H2G2 and I do NOT see it if I look at her PS. It makes for nice more-private conversations. I have tried to initiate a link to someone, with no success. Perhaps I just don't know what I'm doing in that domain.

Besides, you should not be jealous of her. She is way too young, only 42 or so. Her PS says so and no lady would fib about her age smiley - winkeye

smiley - sorry I took a few minutes to come back to you, a new friend is striking up a chat with me, a 20-yr-old student in Cairo. And his/her english is obviously 2nd/3rd language school learned. This H2G2 sure does make the world smaller, doesn't it? smiley - wow

Now, pick up your dancing shoes and toodle along. I have a few things to do this evening, including dish-washing smiley - wah

smiley - cuddle and smiley - run

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 187

The Reverend Something or Other

Hiya, dear lady. Do you still see this smiley - devil-free thread?

Hope so.

Really big smiley - hugs

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 188

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yes love I see the thread!

But ... God! It took ages to get back in to reply!

smiley - hug to you too!

lil xx

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 189

The Reverend Something or Other

Things don't seem too bad going from thread to thread. But the 'post message' is almost forever.

Just checked in at ICAN, I seem to mostly log in, then a lonnnnnng hang. Perhaps it is not yet 'restored' as it was part of the same server as DNA, H2G2, and about 4 other bits.

smiley - love, smiley - cuddle and smiley - smooch

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 190

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

It is possible that it may only be avaible to UK citizens... I don't really know!

smiley - hug

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 191

The Reverend Something or Other

Just a little pop-up to remind you what this thread is called. It lay dormant for quite some time.

smiley - smooch's, dear lady.

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 192

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hello Stranger?

smiley - biggrin

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 193

The Reverend Something or Other

Haven't I encountered you somewhere? Just smiley - runing to supper or some such?

How are you and the evening doing? Anything noteworthy?

smiley - cuddle

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 194

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Only just got back online... are you at home now?

I am going into Lucifer's PS to see the Dragon Graveyard thread he has done for me!

Back soon smiley - smooch

smiley - cuddlesmiley - hug

lil xx

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 195

The Reverend Something or Other

Indeed, been home nearly an hour. So the hootoo and the e-mail are on and being checked occassionally.

Hootoo is still quite slow on occassion, but here smiley - smiley. And there was a brief confrimation e-mail from Charlie waiting. So he knows there is a totally private line to chat about anything.

See you after the Graveyard.

smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 196

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I have just read the thread and it is beautiful!

I thought Charlie was very funny on e-mail.. he just let himself go! It was lovely...smiley - smiley

Perhaps when you can chat properly with him... you will get the chance to see what I could see in him! A lovely man!

Gosh I've suddenly feel thirsty... just going to make a cup of smiley - coffee

Be back soon!

lil xxx

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 197

The Reverend Something or Other

I'll do the same, a smiley - coffee sounds great.

*just interrupted by a five-minute phone call*

Okay, now to get a coffee. You may find an e-mail waiting for you. And yes, I hope Charlie does relax a bit more on the e-mail. He sounds like he just needs an outlet that he doesn't see every day. And I'll be glad to be that for him.

Anyway, smiley - coffee. Back in a bit.

smiley - smooch, lady

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 198

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - coffee... Aaaah! Yes!...That was what I was going for!!

Thank you for reminding me!

smiley - cheers

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 199

The Reverend Something or Other

The Graveyard was a tasking environ, was it? You must tell me about it sometime.

Are any of your village, stream, chapel threads alive or is it too late in your zone? Oddly enough, I find the most fun people here-abouts to be Euro's. Must have been Syd James and all those Carry-On movies smiley - laugh Now THERE was a lech.

smiley - cuddle, good lady

I'm totally innocent, I tell you ...

Post 200

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Syd James a Lech.....Oh Yes!

Now then our Realm threads are just beginning to pick up I think

The Dragon Graveyard was Lucifers PS!

smiley - hug

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