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Post 1

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

That wasn't very kind smiley - blue


Post 2

The Doc

I do apologise, and I did say in the thread that I hoped she got better soon. I myself have been crippled with artheritis since the age of ten, and here I am 37 years and four hip replacments later still convinced that if people can laugh at their "Condition" it may help.
Granted it may be a little early in her case and for that I apologise - put it down to years of having to do it to myself.


Post 3

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I wasn't refering to the tinnitus thread smiley - erm It was a posting in 'Ask Mr Dreadful' that bothered me.


Post 4

The Doc

Oh lord, you know you are not going to believe this but it honestly was a complete coincidence I picked that name out of thin air - really!
As they say in the movies, that post was not based on anyone alive or dead, and any resemblance is purely coincidental.
No offence was meant, honestly - have a large smiley - bubbly from me to apologise if any offence was taken!

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