A Bit About Me (To take with a 1Kg pinch of salt)

I haven't started to browse the h2g2 site yet, having only just discovered it. I was Google-ing for something 'cos I'm trying to write a novel. I only wite when I'm really - really depressed so don't expect to see it in print for a long time - if ever. After all, even if the book gets finished, how many people with depression are likely to tote a manuscript around all the publishing houses and invite yet more rejection? Eh?
But it keeps me from going insane - or maybe I'm already insane and it keeps me from going sane! And it gives me an excuse not to do the washing up!
Meanwhile, if I ever discover anything profound about the world - that hasn't already been discovered by people wot is more cleverer than me, I might even bung it on this site so you can all be awe-struck and then pay homage (or cold hard cash) for my brilliance and the rights to quote me.
So I look forward to reading all sorts of stuff about all sorts of stuff and maybe adding some stuff of my own one day.

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Hola from your ACE, amigo!... Nov 27, 2006


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Hola from your ACE, amigo!... No Posting Nov 27, 2006


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Researcher U6710383


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