This is the Message Centre for Otus Nycteus

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 1

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

What's new with you, Nite Owl? Have you checked out smiley - thepost since you've been back? DG is the editor there. Are you doing any DJing currently?

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 2

Otus Nycteus

Hi Elektra, lovely to hear from you again. smiley - smiley Hope you and Dmitri are well.

Yes, I have - been lurking a bit before plunging back in. I can still recognize Dmitri's entries by their titles alone. smiley - winkeye

I'm fine, ty - but I've stopped DJing - was getting a bit expensive. Still listening to a lot of music, of course - just posted a reply to Galaxy Babe's astronomy-themed music piece in the poste, with links.

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 3

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Yeah, I saw your post. Remember that people using the older skins can't link to ones with the s in them. We have moved up to western PA and it snowed a little bit. Fui! we need to don our winter coats to go to church later today. If you go to the back issues page of smiley - thepost there are pics of some of the surrounding countryside and our new doglet, Lola.

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 4

Otus Nycteus

Sorry, what exactly do you mean with "can't link to ones with the s in them"?

Found some of the countryside photos, and kittens. No Lola yet. Will keep looking. smiley - smiley

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 5

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Sorry for not being clearer:

https: that s can't be directly clicked on in the older skins.

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 6

Otus Nycteus

Aaah smiley - eureka Thanks for the explanation, will keep it in mind!

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 7

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

For Lola pics, try looking in the early Dec late Nov issues---that is when D's sister gifted her on us.

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 8

Otus Nycteus

Just saw her - she's adorable smiley - smiley

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 9

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

She has some annoying habits, but her cuteness disarms one quickly. Do you have any pets currently?

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 10

Otus Nycteus

No, I don't - small appartment, and on the 3rd floor - so a cat wouldn't be able to go outside.

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 11

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Listen, cats are perfectly happy indoors. They don't need to roam the neighbourhood slaughtering birds and mice. Just don't get a partially wild cat like a bengazi. And cats unlike dogs are not prone to separation anxiety.

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 12

Otus Nycteus

Good points - though the situation here is probably a bit different than where you live, city layout-wise.

Lots of buildings here are built in squares around courtyard gardens that aren't accessible from the outside - so not much chance of cats roaming around too freely. smiley - smiley

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 13

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Oh, that's OK then. Do most rental units allow cats as pets then? ---they are hard on curtains sometimes.

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 14

Otus Nycteus

y, pets are usually allowed - rental appartments are rarely furnished here, except perhaps when renting a room in someone's home.

So any damage pets do is to your own stuff. smiley - winkeye

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 15

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

smiley - cool Then it is a simple matter of training your cat! smiley - goodluck with that!smiley - winkeye

Hi Otus Nycteus

Post 16

Otus Nycteus

If I had a cat... smiley - winkeye

And training... That reminds me. I think I've given Dmitri this link long ago, but relinking never hurts... Enjoy. smiley - smiley

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