This is the Message Centre for Otus Nycteus

Greetings Nite Owl

Post 1

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

How are you doing, Otus? D is suffering from pollen allergies and I am still looking for a job. We saw a fantasic movie with our favourite Rutger Hauer, The Mill and the Cross about Peter Bruegel. Terrific film he was a remarkable painter. The film is in English but is more a cinematic meditation and not very dialog heavy. We also a great TV series called Life starring an actor named Damien Lewis , who is British but does an excellant American accent.

We hope you are doing well.

Greetings Nite Owl

Post 2

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

We saw a fun movie called 'The Visitor' that had terrific subtitles you might be interested in,

The dialog was in some weird version of old French and Latin and the English subtitles are a real hoot.

Greetings Nite Owl

Post 3

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Sorry that should be 'The Visitors' since two of them were delivered into modern day France from early medieval times.

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