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Noses very much still in joint...

Post 1

Number Six

Don't mind us, that was just a bit of inter-scout banter - I usually tend to go for a certain type of entry, and GreyDesk knows it...

I have, well, let's just say a premonition that you will return to some good news... Oh, and bumping your own entry up Peer Review to remind people it's out there is a well-accepted and indeed effective tactic for reminding people about it smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

smiley - mod

Noses very much still in joint...

Post 2


Phew. Don't want to upset the scouts.

When I return from my travels I'll hopefully have some more 'universe' subject matter to hone into shape.

Julessmiley - smiley

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Noses very much still in joint...

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