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Good evening

Post 1


Hi you !

I think I can remember a while ago you mentioning flying at Popham. Is that Notts ? Only we used to live in Nottingham and went to the airfield more years ago than I care to remember.

Did you see Concorde's final flight ? I did; another moment in history.


Good evening

Post 2


Hello Jen,

The Popham airfield I go to is in Hampshire. By the A303 road between Basingstoke & Andover. M3 jct 8. Would the airfield you remember in Nottingham be Tollerton?

I didn't go to Heathrow to see Concorde's last flights land but I did see one of them fly past from my back garden.

Kind regards

Lord Evan Elpuss

Good evening

Post 3


Yes, I am getting confused ! It's Tollerton I was thinking of.

We saw Concorde when she made her last flight into Bristol. It was a cold and wet morning, but just as she flew past the sun came out. Marvellous.


Good evening

Post 4


Hello Jen,

Talk about good timing, Bet it seemed like someone switched the sun on at just the right moment.

I still remember the excitement in the school playground when I first saw Concorde. It was one of the prototypes which was appearing at the 1970 Farnborough air show. For so many years, Concorde was part of that airshow. I went to the last one in 2002 and there was no Concorde present. Not even on the public days. It did seem as if something was missing.

Lord Evan Elpuss

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