This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

BDG Message Centre

Post 1

Electric Dreams

testing testing 123

BDG Message Centre

Post 2

Electric Dreams

testing inreplyto=5008451

BDG Message Centre

Post 3

Electric Dreams

Write here....

BDG Message Centre

Post 4

Electric Dreams

and the edits for the auto refresh

have fun smiley - smiley


BDG Message Centre

Post 5

Researcher U634370

smiley - eurekasmiley - cheers your a smiley - star

Must smiley - run

BD smiley - fish

BDG Message Centre

Post 6

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya BDG smiley - winkeye

look at post 3 here
look at the inreplyto number, change to that number on your PS

If that don't help, give me a few minuets.and Ill sent you some new PS code

ES smiley - smiley


Post 7

Researcher U634370

Please delete and write your message here....
TEST 123 let's hope it works! smiley - biggrin


Post 8

Researcher U634370

Ho hum well that worked but the autorefresh bit I cut and paste etc. but it said bad closing tag or something smiley - laugh What am I loike?

BD smiley - hsif


Post 9

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya BDG
Is this what you’re looking to get.smiley - smiley

Auto Refresh -- By Dark Master (U565352)

Sorry this page requires that you have frames enabled or a browser capable of displaying frames

Cut out between the potted line and past in to note pad/text editor

Save it on you desk top as h2g2bdg.html
When you open it
it will connect to H2G2 and refresh you personal page every two minuets

BDG Message Centre

Post 10

Pond Girl

Is this where you are bossing me to?

PG smiley - bluefishsmiley - kiss


Post 11

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya BDG

Thought you might like this to go with..smiley - smiley

Now if you replace this

in line 7

with this

<frame name=" conversations " src="http ://>

(this line is all in one)

This will bring up just your conversations, and refresh them every 2 minuets.

ES smiley - smiley


Post 12

Electric Dreams

Hi-ya BDG smiley - smiley
Is this what you ment? move the Messaga Centre up your persaonal page. let my know if not smiley - smiley


Welcome to my tank

Becky, Rebecca when I'm being posh! This is my little friend Jason. We like to maintain a warm and constant temperature in the tank!

Please delete and write your message here....

To find out more about Goldfish and Ponds visit pondgirl's home
Well... Yes I do
Belly Dance but I have a lot to learn before I become an accomplished artist of the dance. It encompasses so many variations and skills, American Tribal is my favourite form of the dance, it is so hypnotic and colourful. I have a passion for Ancient Eygpt

I am a the Carer of a severely disabled child and hope to contribute (when I get the time!) to the guide with entries around this subject. I love all forms of music and I am a big Radio 2 fan.
I can recommend the Electric Sheperd's Kichen at A2388008 where a warm welcome of Culinary delight's await you along with a well stock wine cellar!!!! Friends usually meet at the North End



Post 13

Researcher U634370

Hi thanks ES and yes PG

Do you mean paste it into my personal space ES or this note pad thingy?! I'm feeling dense at the moment! smiley - doh

Sorry we have invaded your North Corner ES!!! smiley - erm would you prefer us to post any technical queries in the junk room? Or just leave you a message? You have been very kind to us lost smiley - sheep or in this case a backwards smiley - fishsmiley - laugh.

I will study tomorrow when I'm feeling less tired thanks for the messages. It just seems easier to press the refresh button!! smiley - laugh
PG lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish


Post 14

Electric Dreams

OK smiley - smiley

Calling Belly Dancing Goldfish.

Post 15


Well there we were, enjoying this flight in a floatplane when we saw this lovely looking lake and thought we'd drop in. Hope we didn't cause too much of a disturbance when we splashed down (Is that what they call it when floatplanes land on water?) or give you too much of a headache smiley - headhurtssmiley - injured under there, smiley - sorry if we did.

Is there anywhere where we can get some grub etc?!

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss

Calling Belly Dancing Goldfish.

Post 16

Researcher U634370

Hello you

Thanks for popping in with a splash, sorry missed you last night got side tracked by a crazyhorse.

Plenty of smiley - ale for a friendly face. Grub how about fishfingers and smiley - smiley's with beans. smiley - winkeye

Lots of smiley - love

BD smiley - fish

Calling Belly Dancing Goldfish.

Post 17


Thanks for popping in with a splash, sorry missed you last night got side tracked by a crazyhorse.


Was Neil Young leading it?! smiley - biggrin

smiley - ale lovely! Fish Fingers yummy smiley - ok

smiley - cheers

Kind Regards

Lord Evan Elpuss


Post 18

Researcher U634370

SILLY ME Test 123


Post 19


Did you pass the test BDG?
smiley - cheers
Lord Evan Elpuss


Post 20

Geordie Girl

Hi BDG smiley - smiley

Am awaiting the arrival of your new page!! Hope all well with you.


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