This is the Message Centre for Electric Dreams

ED's Message Center

Post 1

Electric Dreams



Post 2

Electric Dreams



Post 3

moved to new address

>>If you woke up breathing, congratulations! You have another chance! <<

Now you should post that to Thought Provoking - most excellent.

smiley - smiley

I was looking at your PS and saw the thread about the SETI@home, read more and joined - it's really smiley - cool and the kids think it's brill. Thank you, once again, you lovely friend.

Equilibrium restored and happy at home? smiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - hug

smiley - love to you both


Post 4

moved to new address

Going to bed but doubt I will dream of anything other than this place. Do you think I'm clever or something remotely similar? Dreams will be electric. Last night husband said I was telling him about his posts to hootoo. He's never posted here.


Post 5

moved to new address

Doubt will sleep well but will try

Mind may well digest junk drawer when/if asleep

Have a good night
smiley - hug


Post 6


Hi sweet smiley - love

Would you like a smiley - tea

Did it work ?

smiley - love Patty smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 7

moved to new address

Quiet? Peaceful, definately. smiley - zen

Have been about, looking, reading and totally enjoying myself.

Will try to draft what I would like to make tomorrow, time allowing. I can see it but don't know how to do it.

One thing, table borders. Can we make them change colour? Wouldn't it be lovely if a border could be red, then green, then blue? Would that be 'alternate'? Can't make it work!

Another thing, a thin and long vertical collumn with bits at the side. When playing the other (very early morning) I did something quite by accident that almost achieved this, but can't remember now what.smiley - erm

If you are a night owl, do you watch the sun come up? My most favourite time of day.

Love to you and Patty.

smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - kisssmiley - hug


Post 8

moved to new address

Hello again ED,

Thank you smiley - rose for the box - it's lovely. Used it to put in the 42 thing that Matt worked out for me but, being crap at maths don't think I've written the 42 thing right.

Thanks smiley - rose for the SETI@home thingy, too. My little computer is bashing away at it's 6th block of data. It's so happy to be doing something useful.smiley - smiley Are you on the H2G2 team of SETIs?

Going to bed now, slept all the way through the Godfather (good, am pleased), been playing on here (thanks to Patty's latest e-mail) and am going to go to sleep again soon.

smiley - lovesmiley - hug to you both


Post 9


Hi Sweet smiley - love.

Happy Easter. smiley - chick

Lots of smiley - love and smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss.

Patty,smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - hug


Post 10

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Thank you. Happy Easter to you, too.

You enjoy your chocolate!

God bless, love Correne


Post 11

GekoLizardFan (slowly getting back to everyone who wished me a happy birthday - be patient)


happy Easter to you too. Good to meet you.

smiley - love GLF


Post 12

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Good evening, my friend.

Hope you and your loved ones are well and happy. Wasn't the sun lovely today? Well, American thingy today. When you said 'something for the thing-ites', was it American thingy or the outlaw thingy that you meant? Or, perhaps both.

Thank you smiley - rose for the God thingy. Was exactly what I needed, as always.

Love to you and VK


Post 13

moved to new address

Thank you. smiley - rose Sorry.

smiley - hug


Post 14

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Oh I am so excited - thunder and lightning !!!!!!!!!

(Shouldn't have my PC on really - naughty Corrie)

What's really weird is the info link. Found a lovely purple h2g2 logo on someone's page once and thought I would remember the name. Didn't. Spent ages searching library - couldn't find it. Spent ages yesterday looking for the logo on the persons's page. Found it and it had the info link embedded. Crazy stuff. Then you sent that!


Will put logo on my page - an attempt at being girly!

Lots of smiley - love to you and Patty,
have a nice evening.


Post 15


Hi-ya too, sweetsmiley - love

smiley - love you smiley - kisssmiley - hugsmiley - cuddlesmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 16

moved to new address

Thank you both smiley - rose

Have you had a good day?

smiley - hugsmiley - smiley


Post 17

moved to new address

clever b@gger! Thank you, ED. Please show Patty, she might like it.
Thought you would be at work and left you massages for tonight.
(Now the cat's out of the bag and you know I'm being lazy again!)
Have done some tidying, though. Spent a lovely long time writing to Patty this morning.smiley - smiley

ED's Message Center

Post 18

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A kind and steady heart can make a grey sky blue,
And a task that seems impossible, is quite possible for you.
A kind and steady heart, is sure to see you through.
It may not seem like very much right now,
It'll do, it'll do.
When you find yourself in the middle of a storm,
And you're tired and cold and wet,
And you're looking for a place that's cozy and warm,
You'll make it; you can never forget!
A kind and steady heart, can conquer doubt and fear.
A little courage goes a long, long way,
Gets you a little bit farther down the road each day,
And before you know it, you'll hear someone say,
"That'll do, Babe, that'll do."
A kind and steady heart, is sure to see you through.
A little courage goes a long, long way,
Gets you a little bit farther down the road each day,
And before you know it, you'll hear someone say,
"That'll do, that'll do, that'll do, Babe, that'll do."


Post 19

moved to new address

Can't choose your family.


Post 20

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phew!smiley - winkeye

Key: Complain about this post