Journal Entries

Programmers,or Enthusiats

On Digg this morning, it is morning here, and it is morning somewhere else,no matter, today there is a rather interesting post on the digg site, the poster has placed just about every program that PCs use and some rather nifty Blog/HTML/XHTML/Java/Perls and the list goes on. Anthoots, they are there for the looking and useing if you need one,or two or whatever. (I tagged 12 of them)

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Latest reply: Oct 31, 2006

"Hello World"

The parse for that is print "Hello World"
I am a noob at Ruby. But I like it and so far have taken up programming language again. It is the best and most promeising language that I have seen since I hacked the DOS in my Comm64 to run HGTG on 5" Disk. The game would play itself. Well it took me 3 months to finish the game and the code, but after it was done, Insert disk, press Enter/Return type / and the saved .txt file would start inputting. This is Geek Nirvana. It is like Shagri-La, it can never truly be entered into, yet just the knowing of its existance is enough.

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Latest reply: Oct 26, 2006

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