The one absolute thing that I know, is that I dont know.

I am me. and we are we. I like sailboats. I admire understanding. I am amazed at the beauty that is. I am appalled that so few take the time to notice the wonder of life itself. Bowling looks like a fun thing, but I do not often bowl. Music is nice to listen to. There is no bad music. There is music that is not yet understood, but the future is unwritten, so it shall remain that way untill the point of understandime time and its effects or non effects is known and understood.

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ACE's Hi Oct 31, 2006


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Time Travel Oct 31, 2006 Dec 9, 2009
Programmers,or Enthusiats Oct 31, 2006 No Replies
ACE's Hi Oct 31, 2006 No Replies
"Hello World" Oct 26, 2006 No Replies


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