This is the Message Centre for amy_lou17
Amy_lou, you've been ACE'd
Laura Started conversation Mar 2, 2004
Hello and welcome to the huge site that is h2g2. I'm Unc, one of the <./>ACE</.>s.
To get you started, the <./>DontPanic-tour</.> is very useful . Feisor has also written a list of hints and links for new researchers which you can read at A719840.
Learn how to use these smileys at the <./>Smiley</.> page
A few places to go... <./>Askh2g2</.> to ask a question to the h2g2 community
<./>Miscchat</.> for more general chat
A630019 is a list of clubs and societies
A1123354 to learn how to brighten up your user page
Read <./>thepost</.>, h2g2's very own newspaper to find out what's happening on site
If you want to help write the Guide, then try <./>contribute</.>
Need any help or simply want to chat, just reply to this message and I'll get back to you.
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Amy_lou, you've been ACE'd
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."