This is the Message Centre for novadog

novadog, you've been ACE'd

Post 1


Hello and welcome to the huge site that is h2g2.smiley - biggrin I'm Unc, one of the <./>ACE</.>s. smiley - ok

To get you started, the <./>DontPanic-tour</.> is very useful smiley - dontpanic. Feisor has also written a list of hints and links for new researchers which you can read at A719840.

smiley - monstersmiley - dragonsmiley - orangefishsmiley - fairysmiley - cheesecakesmiley - wizardLearn how to use these smileys at the <./>Smiley</.> page smiley - ponysmiley - fishsmiley - discosmiley - ticklesmiley - pandasmiley - cappuccino

A few places to go...
smiley - disco<./>Askh2g2</.> to ask a question to the h2g2 community
smiley - disco<./>Miscchat</.> for more general chat
smiley - discoA630019 is a list of clubs and societies
smiley - discoA1123354 to learn how to brighten up your user page smiley - rainbow

Read <./>thepost</.>, h2g2's very own newspaper to find out what's happening on site smiley - thepost

If you want to help write the Guide, then try <./>contribute</.> smiley - biggrin

Need any help or simply want to chat, just reply to this message and I'll get back to you. smiley - cool
smiley - tea and smiley - cake,
smiley - towel

novadog, you've been ACE'd

Post 2


I was actually looking for a way to recomend a pub in Paris (I've just been there)on the 'You call the shots' bbc website, when I bumped into this web site.

So, I can just talk about/ask anything I want and if people have an opinion, or knowlage they'll tell me, and anyone who wishes to know. And I can do the same?

I'm having doubts that I'm that interesting.smiley - erm

novadog, you've been ACE'd

Post 3


Yes, you can talk/ask about whatever you want (provided you keep to the <./>houserules</.> of course). You can also read through the articles here and maybe write your own. <./>Askh2g2</.> is the best place to ask a question or join in a debate as most people on site are subscribed to the page. smiley - smiley

I wouldn't worry about 'interesting'. Indeed there's a very busy thread called 'boring and banal' which is dedicated to completely uninteresting and trivial non directional talk. smiley - biggrin

novadog, you've been ACE'd

Post 4


Oh, Good! That's settled my mind no end.

novadog, you've been ACE'd

Post 5


Just find a thread you like the sound of (or indeed start your own) and post away. smiley - biggrin

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