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Hello? Anyone still around?
Posted Aug 6, 2005
Heya all...
I've been missing you lot!
Some more than others, yes...but that happens...
Seriously though, I have been missing you guys!
So what's everyone up to then?
My PS certainly does seem to be empty now that'I see it...*sighs*
Anyway, I probs won't be back for a while again...till next weekend or something...if I can get online...
See ya lot then!
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Latest reply: Aug 6, 2005
Ok, I'm here - just don't tell my boss!
Posted Jul 22, 2005
He'll see anyway when he gets the print-out of all the sites employees have visited. *sighs*
Damn the new system.
But I'm missing you guys WAY too much!!!
If you have my email addy, use it - I check that at work still...
Reason why I can't be here much is coz it shows as a blogging site, which the management doesn't like.
So I figured I'd stop in today to say HI!!!
Have more people been leaving again?
I see some are back...
Welcome back Ralph, BL (or whatever you're calling yourself these days!) and Joe (I know you've been back for some time though...)...
Good to see you lot around again.
And TB, my honey..., I love you...
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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2005
No horses were killed in the making of this journal entry...
Posted Jul 18, 2005
Before I start, I would like to include this merely for Psycorp's sake - There is no other purpose for it being here:
Since people appear to be under the impression that I killed a horse, I'd better defend myself.
I did not kill a horse. It is still alive. Or at least it WAS still alive when I last saw it.
This weekend was the Horse Show-Jumping Championships.
The place where I work was the main sponsor of the event, and we therefore got the final horse jump in the cross country section to design as we pleased.
So do that we did.
And as a nice touch, since we'd be driving the brand-spanking-new company cars there - one week old Toyota RunX's no doubt (and I got to drive one!!!) - we decided to place one on either side of the jump.
Well, actually I had nothing to do with that decision, thank goodness!
Because here we parked next to the jump, and the inevitable happened...
It was a sunny day...
The crowds were lazing about on the bank...
The horses were smiling...I think...
The cars were looking good...
The cross-country section was going smoothly...
Until a rider caught up with the rider in front of him...
Now instead of circling around and waiting for the other rider to take the jump, he decides to pull a Shumacher and race around the other horse...
Needless to say, he ends up coming at that jump veeeeerrrrrry fast...
Too fast, in fact.
So at the last minute he decides to swerve out and go past the jump...
Sensible enough, yes.
Until he realised my car was standing there and thought "Let's jump the next best thing!"
What he obviously forgot, is that my RunX is THREE times the size of his jump he was supposed to have taken!
And he is only in the intermediate section on the lower jumps!
But anyway...
The horse ended up rolling over the car.
Both rider and horse are fine...
But the car???
Side doors and smashed in, roof is conked in, framework is buckled - who was handing out those panel-beating mallets?
And that deformed scrap is what I had to drive back home in...*sighs*
So my ego is more bruised than anything else really.
And no - I did not kill a horse.
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Latest reply: Jul 18, 2005
How awkward...*erm*
Posted Jul 14, 2005
Look's a bit weird, yeah?
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Latest reply: Jul 14, 2005
Lonely, I'm so lonely...
Posted Jul 13, 2005
No one else is online...
It's like this every morning...
Just me...
On my lonesome...
Until the sun finally decides to rise in other countries.
And I stood on my 's tail last night...
I didn't mean too, but that's what happens when she insists on standing right behind me and I'm stepping backwards.
So she was cross with me the rest of the night and didn't come curl up next to me on my bed either.
So I was really lonely last night too.
And I had insomnia too, so I sat in the bath and read an ENTIRE magazine from cover to cover.
Then I got into bed and switched my light off and pretended to sleep for a while, but got bored, so I got up and went looking to make up with my again.
Dragged her from the lounge sofa back to my room, where she finally settled down.
Still was nowhere near sleep, so I decided to carry on writing a bit since it's high time I got that story finished, and started arguing with my again when she thought it would be fun to hit the back of the pen hard everytime it moved.
Gave up on that at 3am and decided that I had really better get some sleep since I had to be at work an hour earlier today for a breakfast function (which I was not even attending - I had been organising the thing ), so I switched my light off and...
I slept.
I also overslept.
And got to work later than I should have.
With enough time before the function though, only I was supposed to have been here before my boss.
And I wasn't.
But since I was the only one in the office then too, it was lonely too.
So that makes last night, this morning, and now.
Where is everybody???
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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2005
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Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(
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