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smiley - fish No information in the encyclopedia about my subject. I am going to have to learn from FAQ (Frequently asked questions) for information regaurding my topic. As of now I can not say anything besides that I am disapointed, and I need sleep. So I shall be signing off for the day. Can any one derect me to places there may be any information about MUDs? smiley - fish

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 1999


smiley - fish Well theres that fish doing what it does. So many topics and so little time. I cant help but wonder what I should start on. First thing comes to mind is MUDs as thats what use to take my time. Books too, wonder if any one is intresting in reading now adays. Well I guess I have to find out. smiley - fish

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Latest reply: Nov 9, 1999

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