This is the Message Centre for Raven - I think I know what happens next

Clip to BR

Post 21


Hi BR,

Just thought I'd drop you a line. How's it going? You smiley - ok?


Clip to BR

Post 22

Raven - I think I know what happens next

I'm holding up.
Well, trying to at least. smiley - erm

Clip to BR

Post 23


Good on ya mate! smiley - ok

Take care BR, but please don't rush things. Healing is a complicated process, but you'll get there.

You stick at it and in no time at all you’ll be mounting your shiny new steed and heading off in to the wide blue yonder smiley - magic.

Clip to BR

Post 24

Raven - I think I know what happens next

Yeah I'm trying.

So how are you doing?
What have you been up to of late?

Clip to BR

Post 25


Hi BR,

I have not been doing much of any thing lately, except work and taking my OH to hospital for physio.

The weather is warm and wet for this time of year, so going for walks across the fields is out, they are sodden; it would be like having a mud bath smiley - laugh.

On my last week off we did go for a drive to the coast, a little old whaling port on the east coast called Whitby. Our daughter loves to go to the coast, or any where else near the sea. It may be warm for February, but believe me the North Sea is not a place you would want to bathe in smiley - brr; it’s not warm even in summersmiley - laugh.

One thing though, the nice weather has extended the biker’s season, there are loads of them on the roads, and some of the machines make my mouth water! I saw a great Triumph Speed Triple the other day, it looked really cool; hope it goes as well as it looks.

Take care BR smiley - ok

Catch ya later.


Clip to BR

Post 26

Raven - I think I know what happens next

They've declared it an official heatwave in Durbs. Damn I should be on the beach right now! Temperatures are reaching 42 degrees, and that's without including the humidity level!
So I can't imagine any smiley - bikers being out in full leathers over here... smiley - laugh

You know, I'm crazy about super bikes, but one bike I have a lot of respect for is the Harley Davidson SuperGlide. God it's got an amazing amount of power! Slow yes - sits comfortably at 120 kph, any faster and it just doesn't feel right, but those bikes are built for show, not speed.

Clip to BR

Post 27


I agree with your rmarks about the Harley D SuperGlide. I knew a guy who had one. It was as though he was sat on an armchair, no excuses for streamlinning there, it just pushed its way through the air. He was a big guy and he looked real good on it. Peanut helmet, black leather jacket and of course the shades; he looked smiley - cool.

I do like the sound of the Herley Ds, reminded me how the old Brit. bikes sounded. That's the one thing about modern Jap. bikes, they don't sound the part, but whoooo they dont 'alf move!

You should be over here right now (well maybe not). It's raining like crazy and the wind is a howling gale and has been for hours (It's Wednesday 28th February @ 0150 hours).

It must be wonderfull to live in a place where you can ride your bike every day. Don't like the humidity though, that tires me out.

Well it's time for me to go to bed smiley - sleepysmiley - zzz

You take good care smiley - ok

Catch you later

smiley - cheers


Clip to BR

Post 28

Raven - I think I know what happens next

It's just that it gets a bit hot with all the leathers on. But the group rides are worth it. They start early so by the time the sun comes up we've already been on the road for 2 hours and then we all stop, strip down and have brekkie.smiley - cool

Clip to BR

Post 29


Yeah it can get a bit hot in leathers. Do you wear a full set? I never did like full leather suits. I mostly wore Belstaf jacket and jeans, shoes not boots, gloves I always wore and a full face lid. In winter I wore much warmer clothing and more of it.

I used to love the group rides at the weekend, especially if we got on the road early Sunday. Of course how early would depend on what happened on Saturday nightsmiley - diva, if you get my driftsmiley - laugh.

There was nothing to compare with stopping for an early morning breakfast; always the full English, none of this coffee and croissants rubbish, bacon, eggs, sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread, yeah I can smell it now the Full Monty. I’m making me sen hungrysmiley - laugh. I’ve just had a coffee and a slice of toast for brekkie!!!

Depending on which run we chose we had our favourite cafes to stop at, the ones that cooked the best brekkie; had them ear marked alright. smiley - laugh

I envy you, I miss those days, the bikes, the guys, the road, heading nowhere really, just riding for the hell of it; didn’t matter where we were going as long as we were riding.

I’m going to have to get a bike. I can’t afford a big one, marriage can be a drag at times but I wouldn’t change it smiley - laugh. A 250cc would do, yeah no ton-up job I agree, but it’s still two wheels.

Funny enough the 250 bike I had years ago was a Honda, and a mate at work bought the exact same model and colour (last year) and has done it up; it looks good smiley - magic.

Any how enough reminiscences. BR you get yourself well and get back on the bike when you are fit enough; the road ahead is clear for the next 50 years at least, enjoy every one of them and the milessmiley - ok.

Take care smiley - cheers


Clip to BR

Post 30

Raven - I think I know what happens next

I do have a full set, but I prefer my other leather pants. I usualy dress in black (looks better smiley - winkeye) and always boots.

For us on brekkie runs breakfast usually consists of alcohol, bacon and eggs (in that order!smiley - laugh).

I love biking. That and surfing!

Clip to BR

Post 31


We never had alcohol, police too strict, bikers were always stopped too easy catch for the cops.

Yeah, biking is one of the greatest things on earth; unless you’ve tried it you can’t explain it to any one. Even I have trouble trying to tell some one who’s never ridden a bike just what the X-factor is.

When you say surfing do you mean the net, or the real thing smiley - surfer? I would not dream of the real thing in this country, far too cold for my liking smiley - brr. Do you actually surf, as in the wide blue wetness?

Have agood ‘un BR

smiley - cheers


Clip to BR

Post 32

Raven - I think I know what happens next

Nah, we keep the number plates off so the cops can't flash us, and we go too fast for them to call us over. If they do try chase, then we stop, but so does the resty of the club (coz we ride in packs), so you imagine being a policeman and having a whole group of angry bikers glaring at you...smiley - rofl So they just stand there hoping to catch the odd speedster who forgot to remove his plates.

Yeah like proper sea surf. I don't web surf as it's too confusing and I tend to get a bit lost smiley - erm
But give me a board and a wave and I'm totally at home!smiley - cool

Clip to BR

Post 33


Hi BR smiley - biker,

Yeah a group of hairy bikers can look a bit intimidating smiley - rofl.

Surfing looks really exciting but not in the UK smiley - brr, not on your Nelly! I understand in the past the World Championships smiley - surfer have been held in Cornwall, UK. Personally South Africa, Australia or Hawaii would be more to my liking. But I’m not a strong swimmer so getting through all that surf would be beyond me.

I do like the sea, my brother and I used to own a boat berthed on the east coast of the UK; used to like that caught lots of fish. Later I took up sailing and found catamarans could fly; it was exciting hanging outboard and watching the sea flash by, got wet though smiley - laugh.

Take care

smiley - cheers


Clip to BR

Post 34

Raven - I think I know what happens next

Hey, not all bikers are hairy!smiley - laugh

Surfing is awesome! I highly recommend it.
As for sailing, I've been in boats before, but I usually sit on the deck and relax. smiley - winkeye

Clip to BR

Post 35


The ones I knew were hairy smiley - rofl.

I am not a strong enough swimmer to surf, but next time I go on holiday I am going to try scuba diving – always fancied that. My young daughter wants to have a go but I am not sure if there is an age limit for youngsters.

Sail boarding looks good wouldn’t mind a go at that as well; it’s very popular off the east coast of the UK, but you do need to wear your thermal underwear!

smiley - cheers


Clip to BR

Post 36

Raven - I think I know what happens next

I can assure you that I am one of the non-hairy ones!smiley - laugh

Scuba diving is good fun too - always more fun if you go with someone else.
All sea-sports are very popular here, but that's coz the waters so warm!smiley - ok

Clip to BR

Post 37


Hi there BR,

Maybe all the bikers weren’t hairy; possible it was just dirtsmiley - biggrin. After all we all had nick-names and one was called “Filth”, or as he used to pronounce it “Filf”smiley - rofl!!!

Must be great to live in a country where you can swim or sail nearly ever day in warm seas. If I lived in a place like that I would make sure my home was within walking distance of the beach. OH BOY! To be able to fish, swim, sail, scuba or surf when ever you have the time offsmiley - magic You luckysmiley - devilsmiley - envy.

smiley - cheers


Clip to BR

Post 38

Raven - I think I know what happens next

smiley - laughYeah, the longer the rally lasts, the messier everyone gets!

It's lovely living so close to the beach smiley - smiley It's beautiful too.

What about where you are? What's it like there?

Clip to BR

Post 39


Hi BR,

I am about sixty miles from the sea, about middle of the UK, County Durham.

Here it is wet, with rain and wind; sometimes it even rains on top of the rain smiley - laugh. We like to go for walks across the fields but they are water logged.

If ever you want to learn mud-boarding or mud-skiing just let me knowsmiley - laugh.

This winter has been mild, today has been a beautiful spring day and it’s only the beginning of March – not right. Flowers are in bud, some even blooming with trees in blossom. But it should not be like this; should be snowy, cold, frosty smiley - brr.

I have to say though in spring and autumn there is a majesty about the land; Oh! The colours at these times of the year have to be seen to be believed. Unfortunately our summers are some what unpredictable to say the least. Last year (’06) was a glorious summer and we baked, loved it!

Counties Durham and North Yorkshire are beautiful areas especially the North Yorkshire Moors (my favourite place). The moors and fells of county Durham are rugged and isolated; the weather can change in a matter of an hour or so. When walking this area you have to be equipped with the right clothing; many people have made that mistake and not lived to tell the tale. The mountain rescue team are kept busy.

North Yorkshire Moors are a little gentler, though on the fell and moor tops you still have to take care. Whilst the valleys in this are green and lush, good grazing land. NYM is in easy striking distance of the east coast, just a few short miles to the old fishing port of Whitby; a real nice place full of history and a beach for the kids, when the tide is out smiley - laugh. It’s on this part of the coast hardy souls go surfingsmiley - brr. Beach fishing and boat fishing is very popular; Whitby sits at the mouth of the River Esk and has a small harbour and quite an extensive marina.

I’m rabbiting on … Sorry … but I love this part off England so much!

smiley - cheers


Clip to BR

Post 40

Raven - I think I know what happens next

Rabbit on all you want - I don't mind it at all.smiley - smiley

I'm just sorry that my replies are so short...
Like this one smiley - erm

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