This is the Message Centre for TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

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Post 1

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I suggest you stop waiting for your Straight Pride Parade, get up off your arse, and start organising one. You may want helpers, of course. You couldn't manage such an undertaking on your own. You'll want to reach out to a group who can help you put on a display reminding people of your privilege, of how good you have it. A group who know how to rub minority groups' noses in the fact that they're second-class citizens.

Might I suggest the KKK?

TRiG.smiley - grr

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Post 2


Here's where I get myself into a bit of trouble. I think straight pride should totally be a thing: straight people are awesome, every right gay people have won, every battle we've fought, we've had our straight friends and family beside us, helping us. We should celebrate them: every rights battle has been won with support from people who could have turned around and said "this doesn't affect me".

Plus it'd call the bigots bluff. Most people calling for straight pride don't want straight pride, they want to stop gay pride. By calling for straight pride they're dressing their complaint up as an equality issue, giving their bigotry a chimera of respectability it has no right to. Let's take it from them: give them their straight pride and they'll have to either shut up or be more naked in their bigotry.

Finally, a party is a party. I love when my straight friends come to gay pride so I'd totally be going to theirs smiley - diva

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Post 3

Sho - employed again!

I'd be up for that. But can we have a nice flag too? smiley - grovel

and dressing up, there must be dressing up.

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Post 4


If there's dressing up, you can count me in. smiley - biggrin

And I second the nice flag idea too. Except gay people have nicked all the pretty colours already. smiley - sadface

smiley - winkeye

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Post 5

Sho - employed again!

we'll have tassels then. shiny ones smiley - winkeye

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Post 6


Yay! smiley - disco

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Post 7


Dan Savage, an American activist and columnist, says Halloween should be repurposed as straight pride as people get drunk, dress up (or down) and have parties. Which is just what gay folk do on gay pride.

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Post 8

Sho - employed again!

but that means doubling up on something we already have. That's like getting married on your birthday or something - a total waste of a chance of another party smiley - winkeye

we need something early in the year between Christmas and Easter (like the Germans do) - Rosenmontag is a good one here or Altweiber (but obvs the German one would have to be on a different day)

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Post 9

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

> they'll have to either shut up or be more naked in their bigotry

Read that wrong the first time. Thought you were talking about people getting naked in the parade.

TRiG.smiley - rainbow

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Post 10

Sho - employed again!

no dangly bits please...

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Post 11

Icy North

I don't know why you can't just stick to the dress code: gold lamé shorts.

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Post 12


Wee old woman overheard in Dublin:

"I hope they get lovely weather - they are very flamboyant, and do dress skimpy..."

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Post 13

Baron Grim

It sounds like more of the same. It's like American Evangelical Christians decrying secularism and claim that Christianity is under attack and that their rights are being somehow infringed upon.

"How dare you take away our privilege and ability to suppress the rights of others!?"

"Prayer in schools?! How dare you take away our right to tell your kids how to pray to OUR GOD!?"

"Contraception? I don't believe in it, so you can't buy it from the store I work at!?"

"Gay Marriage?!... If gays are allowed to marry then that will somehow make straight marriages... weaker... or something... less straight?... I dunno, BUT I DON'T LIKE IT!"


smiley - facepalm

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Post 14

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

At my first ever pride parade, I saw a boy wearing nothing but a pair of black briefs.smiley - bigeyes

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Post 15


Straight pride? So: like a summer fete with morris dancers!! Yeaahh! lets Rooock! :P

UK centric: but i reckon we should have more carnivals! We got the Notting Hill carnival, which is biggest street party in Europe BUT

what about the rest of the country??

Why can't we have regional carnivals in other cities like they do in Brazil you can call it straight pride - but we all know it is 'Carnivaaal!' smiley - smiley

KKK get invite, ifff they can dance - and look good in bikinis!

smiley - cheers

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Post 16


"Why can't we have regional carnivals in other cities like they do in Brazil you can call it straight pride - but we all know it is 'Carnivaaal!'"

You do have them. The UK is not short of regional pride. Various regions are proud of their cheese, their beer, their pastry, their trees, their harbours, their dancing - and they usually have lots of regional carnivals.

But I think if you had a regional festival about Dorset, for example, straight pride would be a strange thing to call it.

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Post 17

Sho - employed again!

regions certainly do have their pride things. F'r instance the Centre Of The Universe has it's day on 1st August. smiley - biggrin

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Post 18


There's also the big cultural festivals: Leeds has a Mela, an Afro-Carribean festival and a Irish festival.

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Post 19


Cheltenham is one festival after another all year, it seems.

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Post 20

Sho - employed again!

but what are you doing for the biggie, HI? I am referring to, of course, Yorkshire Day.

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