This is the Message Centre for TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Where am I going?

Post 41

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Well, I wear skinny jeans, studded belts, dark make up, you know all that stuff?!

Where am I going?

Post 42


Well I'd guessed it was something like that, but you could have your own personal twist to it.

Where am I going?

Post 43

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Badges? Random accessories? Errrm...have you got any sugestions on how I can individualise my style of clothing?

Where am I going?

Post 44


Well it depends on your personality, what others are wearing, what you're not already wearing....

Like if no-one's wearing pin badges or cloth patches, try putting a few onto your jacket, especially if they're things that are personal to you. I've seen people with their old Guide/Scout badges and patches of their jacket or bag.

Or I've seen people wearing a t-shirt that they've had since they were a kid. Obviously only works if the t-shirt was initially big on you and you're quite slim now, but can be different and quirky.

Where am I going?

Post 45

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Wow thanks!

Where am I going?

Post 46


It's funny the number of people who can still fit into clothes they had as a kid. Especially if it's something that was big on you at the time.

So will we find you searching ebay for old Scout badges then??

Where am I going?

Post 47

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

My dad probly won't let me, they don't like scouts, well I could just buy badges with my fave bands on! WOOP!

P.S Have you ever notaced how woop is doom upside down, go on try it! It's fun........!!

Where am I going?

Post 48


Never noticed that before! Weird.

Check out ebay anyway. I've seen loads of badges for different bands, cars, flags, tourist places , BB, Scouts, etc. So many to choose from.

Where am I going?

Post 49

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Thanks I will!

Where am I going?

Post 50


hope you find something good.

Where am I going?

Post 51

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

smiley - eureka

I had an idea, I could go into leeds and go to on the wall (a shop) and get badges from there!! As well as e-bay!!

Where am I going?

Post 52


Yeah. Good idea. There are some shops that seem to stock things like that. Though not to many round here have ones that aren't intended for tourists.

Where am I going?

Post 53

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

Well just go to your nearest corn-exchange if you ever fell you need some!

Where am I going?

Post 54


I bought loads off ebay a whiloe back, though never got round to sewing them onto anything yet.

Was in the Guides, so have a camp blanket with a load on. Quite a tradition in Guides and Scouts for swapping badges at camp and sewing them onto your blanket. Getting quite a good collection, but need to get sewing.

Where am I going?

Post 55

emo_kid- that's meee alright!

I now have twobadges I have t sew on, but they arn't scout badges they have my fave bands on them!

Where am I going?

Post 56


Well so long as they're something that means something to you instead of something random.

Where am I going?

Post 57

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

I'm wearing my h2g2 pin badge.

TRiG.smiley - magicsmiley - dontpanic

Where am I going?

Post 58


You have a h2g2 badge!?!?!?!?!? Where'd you get it??? I've a "Don't Panic" pin badge though.

Where am I going?

Post 59

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

The Italics posted it to me. They gave me a virtual badge on my space at about the same time.

TRiG.smiley - biggrinsmiley - dontpanicsmiley - ok

Where am I going?

Post 60


That's not fair!! What did you do to get it?? I had to buy my badge on ebay.

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