This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn
I'll be there for you
Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... Started conversation Nov 20, 2003
Its the friend list thats puzzling me today,Jim. When I tried to add some new ones it said xml error no space for handling this operation.So my starter for ten is:just how many friends can you have on your friends list?
I'll be there for you
Jim Lynn Posted Nov 20, 2003
That's a general server error, and nothing to do with the number of friends on your list. One of our servers was simply overloaded, so you got that error. Try again and it should work.
I'll be there for you
Yes,I am the Lady Lowena!Get with the programme... Posted Nov 21, 2003
Thank you! After a year on hootoo that makes perfect sense Fifeteen months ago I had never sent an e-mail
I am very grateful to the long-gone friend who sent me the hootoo link.
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I'll be there for you
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