This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

I was told I needed to ask an Italic....

Post 1

Lady Scott

... to move the conversation on my page titled Lady Scott's adoption page to the all new page titled Lady Scott's Adoption page. Seems like it would just be a lot more convenient over there. Can you do that? Please?smiley - grovel

There are a couple of other convos in my page that are adoption center related, I don't know if they should/could be moved too.

I was told I needed to ask an Italic....

Post 2

Jim Lynn

I've moved the thread to your new page.

I was told I needed to ask an Italic....

Post 3

Lady Scott

smiley - biggrin
Thank you so much! smiley - boing

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I was told I needed to ask an Italic....

Post 4

Jim Lynn

You're welcome.

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