This is the Message Centre for Jim Lynn

Happy Birthday!

Post 1

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Hi Jim,

Just prowling around and discovered we share the same birthday, so many happy returns tomorrow! smiley - biggrinsmiley - giftsmiley - bubbly

Happy Birthday!

Post 2

Jim Lynn

Thank you! smiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - gift

Happy Birthday!

Post 3

fords - number 1 all over heaven

And isn't it just lovely how we share this date with giants of the music industry? smiley - erm

Happy Birthday!

Post 4

Jim Lynn

Meat Loaf's my hero. Well, not really, but I'm a huge Jim Steinman fan so it's cool to share a birthday.

Alvin Stardust, though. Hmm. Now I'll never be able to get 'My Koo ca Choo' out of my head. Time to play some more Meat Loaf, I think.

Happy Birthday!

Post 5

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - cheers
Hoopy bathday from me too!
smiley - gift
smiley - cake
smiley - hug
smiley - smooch

Thank you for all you do for the site, Jim!smiley - cheerup

Happy Birthday!

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - youuuuu!smiley - musicalnote

smiley - bubblysmiley - rosesmiley - cake

Happy Birthday!

Post 7


and Gracie Fields, Barbara Dickson and Shaun Cassidy!

Happy Birthday, have some smiley - cake

Alji, smiley - zensmiley - wizard of the Red Dragon (Swynwr y Ddraig Goch) (conducting a sun sign poll @ A712595)smiley - surfer(Member of The H2G2 Guild of Wizards @ U197895 looking for wiz kids to join, though you don't have to be a wiz kid just know a bit about some subject that you think will be of interest to others or just bore the pants off them. This is an equal opportunities space open to all sexes, ages and abilities)

Happy Birthday!

Post 8


Oops smiley - sorry Gracie passed away on this day smiley - blush

Alji smiley - zensmiley - wizard(Member of The Guild of Wizards @ U197895)smiley - surfer

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