This is the Message Centre for Lovely Lenore


Post 1


just having prowl see what your up to.
i changed what if ,smiley - winkeye
for you hope aprove.
decide to go against what is becoming norm i.e. swearing.smiley - sadface
for more discriptive avenues.
see your advice taken,
actualy made me see a very valid point smiley - coolTHANKS LOVELY
HOPE YOUR OK.smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - bubblysmiley - magic


Post 2

Lovely Lenore

I will check. I am fine here. Somewhat i busy weekend. Too much 'stuff' to take care of from work. Home projects. smiley - sadface

Will take a peek at your changes. But write the way that makes you smile, okay?

smiley - kiss Catch you later...


Post 3


i will write my way,
but sometimes think we all get tempted off are path.
hope work went well.smiley - kisssmiley - biggrinsmiley - choc


Post 4

Lovely Lenore

finally online. Time change always gets me behinder and behindersmiley - laugh

The stringing of Christmas lights outside was cool on the fingers. Only -2C yesterday. Chilly. But most are done. Come cold winter winds! I dare you. We are almost ready for the holiday season and Hallowe'en isn't even over yet.smiley - erm

How was today? Overcast? Sunny? Here it is snowing. Just looked out and there it is!

smiley - wahsmiley - brrsmiley - snowballsmiley - wah L.


Post 5


overcast heavy english october .
with sweet little kids penny for guy.
we would love snow,
are you in canada
glad your back onlinesmiley - biggrinsmiley - magic


Post 6

Lovely Lenore

I am in Canada? I gather you are in the UK. hehe....(Smart girl she is!!!!!smiley - laugh)

Trick or treaters? Here tonight.

Strung MORE holiday lights. We shall be the brightest house on the strip!

smiley - hug L.


Post 7


canada lovely,
and snow even better do you get much in way of snowy stuff,
and you have relatives of mine bears.
i can see your house from england.
no trick or treaters here,
just lots of sweets for bear.smiley - biggrin


Post 8

Lovely Lenore

lots. 2-3-4-feet. Drifts. Not much yet but soon I fear. The lakes aren't frozen over yet. But soon too. All the snow is melted by the end of April, mid/late May, depending on the year. Lovely summers. Sunny and warm. Can get to 25 - 30 C in July and August.

May I ask where in England and where your bear family lives in Canada?

Do you do hotmail or MSN? If you do I can send my address....smiley - biggrin

smiley - choc The wee ones won't mind one less bit of chocolate I think....smiley - winkeye


Post 9


smiley - aliensmileyour making me so jealous,
we get maybe 4 inchs over christmas
or whole winter lately just rain,
meant your got bears,
i have norelatives canada,
have not got hotmail only me,,
yousmiley - choc

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