Almost New Year!

star I wade through needles from a tree pleading to be taken to the refuse ground. The Christmas wrap and boxes already turned to smoke and ash in the burning barrel. holly Eldest carried off the spiced nuts and cranberry pecans that kept calling to me from the stashed tin late at night. Willpower, willpower....

An assortment of lovely kitchen gadgets and thoughtful gifts from loved ones who listened throughout the year to random wishes.

I survived -40C and wintery blasts of frigid air. brr And as always, the weather on New Year's Eve promises to be somewhat more bearable. What are we doing to bring in the new? cracker Staying home, basking in the contentment of a year of turmoil turned to rightside up. Settled. Full of new possibility.

I do feel a shiver of discontent since nothing seems to change the direction of the closing of this site. But fear not, for another meeting place shall rise from the dust of this closing site. For once we have all met and shared words, we can never return to our solitary places and leave behind new friends.

A Peaceful New Year to all. bubbly May 2005 be blessed.

ta Lynz


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