This is the Message Centre for Lovely Lenore

Hello again?

Post 1


I believe we have a mutual friend, although I get the feeling we have met somewhere before, maybe one of us went by another name? Will check your work regularly, feel free to do the same with mine, Best Wishes, C.B

Hello again?

Post 2


Have you "clicked" yet?
Your welcoming Friend, Camusboy.

Hello again?

Post 3

Lovely Lenore

Sorry....busy busy busy here. Work. Workout. Groceries. Make pizza for son. Husband already eat leftover beef. Now I can talk a bit.

(Gawd, that sounds lame, but life...

What did the existentialists say about routine.... I must brush up if you are online...

smiley - hug

Hello again?

Post 4

Lovely Lenore

Read your latest cb.

Nothing spectacular. I was disappointed.

#4 smiley - sadface

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