Journal Entries

New Management Tools

I have determined over the last few years that humanity as a whole has way too much time on their hands. If you look at evolution as a whole you will notice one near constant and that is the fact that minor changes only occur after very long periods of time. The one exception to this universal rule is us. We evolved over an extremely short time and our intellect appeared almost instantaneously when compared to the time frame of normal evolution.

I submit that we are too intelligent for our own good. We can no longer deal with the intelligence that we have since the timeframe we gained it in did not allow us to adapt for its use. Because of this humanity created war, psychology, science, art, etc. mainly because with our superior intellect we had way too much free time.

Take a look on the internet or in your library sometime for management procedures and problem solving techniques. The overwhelming number of ‘systems’ can only be a direct representation of how bored we actually are as a society. A few examples include TRIZ, TQM, JIT and innumerable other management and time saving processes. So many acronyms and so much time to for us to create even more!

I believe that I have not contributed enough to the creation of business and technology management techniques. To this end I will be creating a system of different techniques that society will be able to use to make absolutely 100% of their decisions. This should free up all of everyone’s time so that they too can create more acronyms and techniques until we have to start adding letters to the alphabet in order to handle the influx.

I have decided to call my system “FUNDAMENTALLY UBIQUITOUS CREATIVE KNOWLEDGE”. This is the general header for all the sub-sections belonging to my new management philosophy. All the separate thoughts will be categorized into four very specific sub-sections including:

Further details into the progress of my new earth shattering creation will be released to the public as they are completed. Please check back soon and often as one never knows when you might get fundamentally ubiquitous creative knowledge.

smiley - aleKaoswondersmiley - ale

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Latest reply: Feb 9, 2004


Well I must admit that I am feeling much more comfortable here now then when I first arrived at the site. Who knew that something mentioned in "The Salmon of Doubt" could be such a wonderful large font of human knowledge. I applaud everyone here for wanting to contribute to a project that perpetuates facts, feelings, and experience. I'm reminded of the fabled Akashic (sp?) Brotherhood who kept all of human knowledge so the future could learn from the past.

I'm not sure if I lead an interesting life, and I'm very sure that my days only rarely buzz by. But I feel good about the fact that I can come here and babble out the thoughts that I have concerning this, that and the other. What's more is that I can leave and come back tomorrow and my thoughts are still here and not dispersed into the technological nether soup!

If h2g2 did not exist I would have to create one myself. Luckily it does and I need not worry about trying to come up with the idea.

smiley - aleKaoswondersmiley - ale

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Latest reply: Feb 6, 2004

Spicing up Page Note

Just a journal note to remember that here:
is where I can find what I need to find in order to make my page a veritable cornucopia of joy.

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Latest reply: Feb 4, 2004

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