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About Tube Stations

Post 1

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I came across your project when I saw they updated guide entries on the <./>info</.> page.

Just wanted to say what a thoroughly good idea! What sort of things are you planning to include? and will you list the 'lost' stations that don't appear on the maps?

Clive. smiley - smiley

About Tube Stations

Post 2


I was hoping to start with a single snowflake and build a blizzard smiley - winkeye

I thought if I just got the structure together, then everyone could add their own knowledge/expertise to the entries. smiley - smiley

I would like to include things that would generally help people get from A to B, plus some random interesting things such as the history of the stations. And lost stations would probably make a good addition to the list.

Alex smiley - biggrin

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