This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 121


had a very nice dream about aaron last night.
i wonder if he's really that good of a kisser...
and my mom had to wake me up when it was getting to the real good part!
and school... i see him all the time...
i guess i do like him again...
he looks damn good in green brings out the color in his eyes...
and they're really really pretty blue...
*sighs dreamily*

hehe *screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech*!!!!!!!
42 smiley - dontpanic

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 122

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Didn't you post that on another thread? Is this Aaron guy really that good looking?
smiley - huh

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 123


yup i sure did!!
and no... i make him sound more handsome than he really is...
but i still like him!!!!!
and it was just a dream!!!!!
nothing's happened!!!...yet...

42 smiley - dontpanic

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 124

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

UG! i hate him! hes cool and all, i just hate his guts... i hope they get spread allover the paveent in a firey car crash!
fordsmiley - cheers

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 125


he's mine!
don't hurt him!!!!!!!
you already hurt him enough you evil evil person!!!!!!

tomorrow, tomorrow, i'll...well u know...tomorrow! it's only a day away!!!!!!
42 smiley - dontpanic unless u live in spring creek

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 126

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

You're really nice about this guy, Ford... smiley - biggrin
Don't worry, there are many people who I'd like to see that happen to, especially some certain teachers or mine...

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 127


u should see the comic ford drew!
it's the best!!!!
and it's entirely about aaron!!!!!

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 128

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

ya! he gets runover by his own car!! YAY!
fordsmiley - cheers

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 129


that's so hilarious!!!!
yet very sad...
o well!!!!!!

tomorrow! tomorrow!! i'll...well u know...tomorrow!! it's only a day awaaaay!!!!!!!
42 smiley - dontpanic especially not you aaron!

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 130

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

YAY you love me!... waitsmiley - erm *is scared*
GRR A G AGE EEEE G AGA! DARN IT!! get it outta my head!
KITTY! laa!!
fordsmiley - cheers
i gotta go to bed!! so darn tired!

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 131

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Can you scan the comic in for me? It's be funny to see...smiley - tongueout

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 132

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

it is!! im gonna hit the sack, gotte get up early tomorrow!
fordsmiley - cheers

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 133

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Good night!

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 134


ugh... sorry mid, i lost the comic today! smiley - wah

just think... as early as tonite i could have a bf...
a bf named aaron...

*crashes on floor daydreaming*

im sooo hitting on that dude tonite!!!!!!!
42 smiley - dontpanic unless ur spring creek!!!!! ONWARD INDIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 135

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

dude! NO!! GROSS!!! jerk! i cant wait to get the z tees! YAAA MAROON!! YAAAA WHITE OOOOUURRR TEAM! FIGHT FIGHT!!
fordsmiley - cheers

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 136


come on!
what can be sweeter than love??
and no, ford, it's not chocolate or coke!!!!!!!!!!
or pepsi!!!!!!!!!!
DO THE DEW, DUDE!!!!!!!!!



42 smiley - dontpanic except for spring!!!!!!!!! those losers!!!!!! ONWARD INDIANS!!!!!!! ONWARD!!!!!!!!!!

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 137

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

you didnt say crak!... nah
fordsmiley - cheers

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 138


ur a dork ford!!!!
a can and a half of coke looking for a new home!!!!!!!!

must hold...just a little longer...

dude tonite's gonna be awesome no matter what...
42 smiley - dontpanic

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 139

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I'll have the Coke if you guys don't want it...

A wierd guy named aaron... that i DO NOT LIKE!!

Post 140


no!!!!!! you don't want that can of coke!!!! trust me you don't!!
INDIANS WON 44-19!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*does metallica dance*

and i didn't hit on aaron tonite...
i almost did tho...
it would have been too i didn't.
when he feels better... poor guy!!!!!

anyway... best to forgive and forget... kate's so nice!!!!!
stupid smokers!!!!!!!! i couldn't stop coughing!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i couldn't breathe!!!!!!!!
it was awful!!!!!!!!!!
im probably gonna die of secondhand smoke someday...

almost told aaron that ford's not the one who likes him... but i had to go...
smiley - wah
monday, tho.

monday monday monday...
aaron... i hope he doesn't shrink back...
dude im so glad he refused to look at the comic ford drew...
thank you aaron!!!!!!!!

this night was one of the best of my life...
so awesome...

im on a total sugar high right now!!!!!!!!!!!!

aaron aaron aaron aaron aaron aaron aaron aaron...
why do i like that dude so much?!??!?!?!?!??!!
before i hated him!!!!
and now... all i think about is him...
funny how he actually talks to me...
funny how he was staring at ford and me during lunch break...
funny how i feel so comfortable next to him...
that bastard!!!!

ya... well...

42 smiley - dontpanic

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