This is the Message Centre for Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Greetings, etc.

Post 1

Madd Matt

Hail, sub-editor!

I just wanted to drop you a quick note to thank you for editing my entry on Winipeg. Have you ever been there, or did my entry at least make you run out and book the first flight? (On that topic, does the Guide have a budget for editorial research? If so, there's an entry I'd like to write which requires me to interview Gillian Anderson somewhere in Hawaii...).

By the by, I like your home page design. One of these days, I'll try to learn how to make some similarly snazzy headings for my page.


Greetings, etc.

Post 2

Alon (aka Mr.Cynic)

Hi Matt!

Firstly, I read your entry and was interested but have not visited Winipeg. Secondly - and this is not normal - I did not edit that entry as I am very busy and had to return that batch.
About an editorial budget - well, there is no such thing smiley - winkeye. The h2g2 staff get paid but that's it. Sub-editing is a voluntary job and it is not possible to get funding for interviews. Sorry to disappoint you.

Glad you liked my page.


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