This is the Message Centre for Researcher 559717

Welcome From Your Local Ace...

Post 1

Loup Dargent

smiley - run

smiley - smiley

smiley - bubblyWarm welcome to h2g2 from me...smiley - bubbly

My name is loup.dargent and i'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> [Assistant Community Editors], who welcome newcomers and show them around the site...

Some links you might want to click on:

<./>DontPanic-Tour </.>... just in case...smiley - winkeye
A690518 ... with tips on how to spice up your page....smiley - cool
A1020592 ... another entry on how to brighten your page...smiley - biggrin
<./>ThePost</.> ... our virtual newspaper...smiley - magic
<./>FRONTPAGE</.> ... for the... err... front page...smiley - whistle
<./>smileys</.> ... with a list of... yep, you guessed it... smileys...smiley - disco
A719840 ... some interesting links there as well...smiley - bubbly
<./>info</.> shows you the convos going on right now plus some other stats...smiley - star

Whatever your interests, chances are that you will find some stuff with infos on them or/and like minded people on here... Just let me know and i will do my best to provide you with the relevant links...smiley - ok?!

Another place that you might like to visit is <./>AskH2G2</.>...smiley - star

Don't hesitate to visit my space [that can be done by clicking on my name at the top of this message or/and on U200238] and leave a message... or click on the reply button at the bottom of this posting...smiley - smiley

Talk soon...smiley - surfer

loupsmiley - fullmoon

PS: If you visit my space and see your screen name appearing in some parts of my intro, do not be surprised...
smiley - spaceIt's the result of a gimmick called tag which makes each visitor to my space see their own name...smiley - magic

PS: PS: yep.. the Guardian Angels are smiley - cool...smiley - star

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Welcome From Your Local Ace...

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