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The Space Station

Post 1

Chris Tonks

Since you're the person who greeted me at h2g2, here's the invitation:

"The Grand Opening of the Space Station Big C, of GalactiReg Nr GN18L, is to take place on Sunday the 30th of April, at 14:00 GMT. Pr. C. Tonks, GalaGroup Overseer to the Multi-Galactic Governmental House of San Beta, will be honoured to welcome the hopeful many visitors to the Main Auditorium, where the meeting will take place. There will be refreshments, drinks, and well anything really, due to the presence of one of the many COMPIGRAPHical projector rooms. Questions my be asked of the Professor as to the workings of the Station, and... it's basically going to be a good natter. Hope you can all come!"
- Pr. C. Tonks aka BigC

See you there!smiley - smiley

The Space Station

Post 2

Researcher 55674

Hey, thanks! I'll be sure to drop by.

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