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Good as my word

Post 1

Ioreth (on hiatus)

I took the day off from school today, leaving me time to do what I need to. Ah... sleep...

JRRT - how addicted were you?

Good as my word

Post 2

Researcher 55674

Well, let's put it this way, I'm 18 now, and I first read the Lord of the Rings in second grade. Haven't stopped since. I also enjoyed one of the animated versions of the rings series, but I wore out the tape it was on, so I don't have it anymore. I just got a copy of the Silmarillion, but haven't read it yet. Trying to find the time, though. If he has other works, I'm not aware of them.

Good as my word

Post 3

Ioreth (on hiatus)

You read LOTR in second grade? Wow - I discovered them in fifth grade. And, like you, I'm still reading them.

I've never seen the cartoon LOTR although I have seen the Hobbit many times, and it's OK but not great.

Other Tolkien that's good -
Farmer Giles of Ham
Smith of Wottton Major
Tree and Leaf

All three are short stories distributed in various Tolkien collections, and quite good. I tried and tried to make my way through the Silmarillion, but couldn't. Maybe I'll try again.

Have you read the Harry Potter books?

Good as my word

Post 4

Researcher 55674

Definitely, I picked one up on a whim, and couldn't put it down, so I had to buy em all. Great series, awaiting the sequel this summer.

Good as my word

Post 5

Ioreth (on hiatus)

My little brother got a copy as a present, and I picked it up and was hooked. Like LOTR, I can reread them over and over.... know the feeling?

Good as my word

Post 6

Researcher 55674

Definitely know the feeling. I think I reread all my favorite books at least once a year if not more.

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