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You Sorta Know Me...

Post 1

Shea the Sarcastic

I'm the one that got you censored! smiley - yikessmiley - winkeye
Thought I'd just pop in and say hi.


You Sorta Know Me...

Post 2

Researcher 55674

Hello Shea, yes we have been meeting a lot recently. The worst part is the nagging email they sent. Clutter up my mailbox will ya smiley - grr. smiley - winkeye

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 3

Shea the Sarcastic

They send you an email? Oh man, moderated and spammed all in the same day! Enough to make you smiley - stiffdrink

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 4

Researcher 55674

*staggers raucously*
I no what yous meen, smiley - drunk.

If it was a personal message from a moderator, that would be kinda neat, but its just a form letter letting you know you were naughty. I think I got the point.

Dear h2g2 Researcher,

Thank you for contributing to h2g2. Unfortunately we've had to remove your Posting below because it contravenes the h2g2 House Rules, which you can find at [url removed by me]

It has been removed on the grounds that it contains content that other
readers may find offensive.

If you would like to re-write your contribution to remove the problem, then we'd be very happy for you to post it again.

If you would like to pursue this matter further, then please contact the Moderation Help Desk at [url removed by me]

Best wishes,

The h2g2 Moderation Team

URL of content (now removed):
[url removed by me]

stupid [offensive term removed by me].

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 5

Shea the Sarcastic

Well, I just got back from complaining in the Community Forum about how my whole Personal Space was zapped for the second time this week. Oddly enough, when I get it back, it's exactly the same, and I get no word from them about why it's been done. *sigh*

They probably know I've been talking to you, and you're a well-known subversive! smiley - winkeye

I'm going to bed now smiley - yawn

Nighty-nightsmiley - zzz

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 6

Researcher 55674

Yeah, the newer moderators seem to err on the side of caution and refer things to the community team when they have a question. Then when it's its OKed, they return it without a scratch. Whenever I get anthing up on my space besides that minimalist question, I'm sure mine will be stolen a few times a week. I am very subversive after all smiley - monster.

On a side note, I wonder how tired the mods get about reading these things about themselves. It can't be good for their self-esteem.

Hello Moderator, have a smiley - donut?
That ought to cheer him up.

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 7

Shea the Sarcastic

Eek! A smiley - monster!

I just got an answer from Peta about my Personal Space. It seems 2 different moderators flagged the same link I had on it. Something about plagerized or copyrighted material. They probably mean the link I have to the newspaper web site where I work. I let Peta know that if it was going to keep being a problem I can always remove it. It's not that big a deal!

Oh well...

Hi Moderator! Have a smiley - coffee to go with your smiley - donut

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 8

Researcher 55674

Sweet! My new and improved personal space has been up for days without moderation. Hurrah!

Yours continuing to have problems?

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 9

Shea the Sarcastic

Nope! Mine's been okay, too! Maybe things are settling down a bit? *fingers crossed*

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 10

Researcher 55674

That's good to hear. Perhaps the moderators are getting better at their job. It must be rough, reading every post on H2G2. No telling how many there are anyway.

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 11

Shea the Sarcastic

I just read somewhere that just the backlog is almost 800,000 posts! smiley - yikes

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 12

Researcher 55674

smiley - yikessmiley - yikes

That might be the greatest argument against preempitive moderation. Just the pure logistics of it doesn't bode well for the future.

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 13

Shea the Sarcastic

Guess we have to just wait and see ... I think it was Peta that was saying that they've gotten through as far back as the beginning of November ...

I suppose we'll all just have to be "moderate" in our posting habits! smiley - winkeye

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 14

Researcher 55674

Bad pun. smiley - silly

I'll have to 'pun'ish you for that one. smiley - tongueout

You Sorta Know Me...

Post 15

Shea the Sarcastic

Ouch! smiley - injured You got me back!

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