Journal Entries
In search of Mr. Turniphead
Posted Jun 20, 2005
When i was young i used to go round to my Grandparents house on the weekends to visit on most occasions the first thing i would ask when i went round was "where is Mr. Turniphead, can he come out to play?"
At this point some of you may be wondering Who or what is Mr. Turniphead?
Mr. Turniphead was a Marionette not just a Marionette but a very special Marionette because
unlike most of the population in those days he had appeared on television (late 1960s) He featured on "Watch With Mother" and as some of you may know that was where you would watch :Andy Pandy, Bill and Ben, The woodenTops and could even watch Muffin the mule (before it became a crimminal offence). Mr.Turniphead was something like the Alan Titchmarsh of the time he presented a gardening type of programe telling children all about the flowers etc (as far as i can recall)
When the series finished the puppeteer gave Mr. Turniphead to my Grandad and on occasion my Grandad would get the shoe-box out of the wardrobe and take out Mr. turniphead to have a dance and a chat with us children (me and my 2 brothers) then pay his harmonica which was also in the box.
My Grandad always said that when i got older i could have Mr. Turniphead.
Sadly a few years back he passed away a week or two after his funeral i went to get the box containing Mr. Turniphead and the Harmonica (with Vampbar as grandad called it) out of the wardrobe but it had gone.
I asked my Mum, my Gran and all the other members of my family if they had seen it and strangely enough none of them had..I turned the house upside down and inside out trying to find it..but to no avail. I searched everywhere from that day to this even spent hours watching antique road show and programes like that hoping
and praying that one day he would turn up..I still search it hink the only way for me to find it would be if i could contact Grandad and he could lead me to it..untill such time i will just keep searching and remembering the times i chatted and danced with a TV star..Mr. Turniphead
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Latest reply: Jun 20, 2005
Do You Need A Pal?
Posted Jun 17, 2005
As a follow up to the thread about RELATIONSHIPS i thought i would open this thread for people to leave thier name and a few details along with the type of activity they need someone to share with them clean wholesome activities please..
This is not meant to be a dating link but rather a place where people with similar interests can find people in thier area to share them if you like cycling, golf, speedway, football, rugby or whatever the activity but can`t find someone to go to golf course, or even a day playing bingo or window shopping now, hopefully, we can..
Please use this thread just to leave your details then chat to the person who matches your requirement on a new thread..thank you
Happy Searching
BTW I would love to hear from anyone who would be interested in going camping and lives in Greater Manchester area
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Latest reply: Jun 17, 2005
Posted Jun 7, 2005
Have you ever stopped and looked at your relationship? are there times when you wish the person beside you was someone else? your walking down a street you see a film advertised at the cinema that you would love to go and see but you know your partner would hate it so you miss out, or you want to make love your partner is too tired or not in the mood, or you want to go swimming your partner hates water..
wouldn`t it be excellent if you could share those things with someone without having to go behind your partners back, sort of a stunt double who would fill in for the bits your partner would rather not do..why can`t we do that and still be with the ones we love? why do we have to compromise? would people be happier if they could "use stunt doubles in life"
What do you think?
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Latest reply: Jun 7, 2005
Posted Aug 27, 2004
If your reading this then you are invited to a PARTY at the ld tea shoppe thats right the first thread is back up and running (more of a slow jog) and we are moving toward the 1000 posting as some of you are aware we used to have a party for every thousandth posting (good excuse for a booze up) so if you have ever been a vistor or staff on any of the threads of ye oLDe tea shoppe then get your butt back in there for the party.
Also if you are in contact with any of the above
visitors or staff then please tell them to be there or be square, Loup, batwing, Sef, Pinky, Taamyu, Brora etc, etc
for more details Keep watching this space
thank you
Marc (aka-Dandy highwayman founder)
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Latest reply: Aug 27, 2004
Posted Jun 22, 2004
I come on here leave messages but i never get i invisible?
begining to think so
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Latest reply: Jun 22, 2004
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(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )
Researcher U555555
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