This is a Journal entry by (U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead )
(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) Started conversation Jun 7, 2005
Have you ever stopped and looked at your relationship? are there times when you wish the person beside you was someone else? your walking down a street you see a film advertised at the cinema that you would love to go and see but you know your partner would hate it so you miss out, or you want to make love your partner is too tired or not in the mood, or you want to go swimming your partner hates water..
wouldn`t it be excellent if you could share those things with someone without having to go behind your partners back, sort of a stunt double who would fill in for the bits your partner would rather not do..why can`t we do that and still be with the ones we love? why do we have to compromise? would people be happier if they could "use stunt doubles in life"
What do you think?
Billy60 ... Posted Jun 7, 2005
Marc ...
Know where you are coming from ... have been on my own for two years now and life is pretty simple , something I want to do ?? I do it without having to worry about anybody else ....
Still times though when it would be nice to have somebody to come home to ....
I loved my footy ... both my Ex's hated it ... I love Speedway and Golf ... never found a girlie willing to give them a try ... Love The Cinema and the Theatre ... my last G/f felt claustrafobic in the Cinema or theatre
I guess if you want a relationship to work its something you have to work at ... a bit of give and take ??
(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) Posted Jun 11, 2005
Bring on the stunt
I want one that listens without naggin..Lockjaw would be ideal..(guess thats put me in bad books with all the women on here )
serenity Posted Jun 16, 2005
hi boys
it would be nice to go out for any social occasion, with or without a companion.
but i like your thinking.. sign me up
(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) Posted Jun 16, 2005
Your already signed up just say where and`ll have to come up here
(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) Posted Jun 16, 2005
Because i got attacked by a flock of swallows when i was little so now i can only go south in
Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) Posted Jun 17, 2005
Can I join the club?
Although at the moment I can't complain, I know where you're coming from. With my ex husband I felt like I should be 70 something and not 20 something cos he wasn't into the same stuff as I was and vice versa. He was snooker mad and I was his widow , we occasionally went to the pics together but that was only if we could agree on a film. I'm pretty much into any film so I couldn't see the problem. Sometimes you have to compromise and do something you'd rather not do but not everyone’s like that.
I've never tried Golf Chris, I'd probably be extremely dangerous with a club and a ball accuracy isn't a strong point with me, you should see me at darts, anyone within a 20ft radius had better move cos the dart seems to go anywhere but on the board
. I'm still up for trying speedway at some time in the future
As for the making love part Marc, for me that's a touchy subject (pardon the pun) cos some men don't know when "no" means no. Not that I'm suggesting you're one of them , I think I know what you mean by that part of things. It is an important part of the relationship, and when everything else is a struggle you don't need that on top of it to make the gap between you wider. As for the swimming, I love it when I don't resemble a baby whale, it's a self confidence thing with me I'm afraid
Hopefully the 3 of you will find partners whom give you everything you want them to give you, cos they want the same things for themselves. At the moment I've no complaints, but it's early days so I might be crying on your shoulders at some stage *fingers crossed* that it will work out this time.
Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) Posted Jun 17, 2005
(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) Posted Jun 17, 2005
hahaha I can be sat in the house all day and she won`t have a word to say to me but you can guarantee as soon as i put on a set of headphones she tries to have a conversation with me..
Maybe through this thread we can pair up people
with similar interests on dates..not romance dates or anything like that just a one off thing like a day at the swimming pool (and it doesn`t matter what people look like in a cossy it is the person inside that counts besides most people are to busy worrying about the way they look to bother about how others look) or a day at speedway or a camping trip (that may be over the course of 2 days) which i would enjoy, or fishing, golf or just a shopping day out whatever your dream day out we should be able to find someone too share it with..
I think i may just set up a thread where people can leave there names, roughly where they are in the country, what activity they need a pal for and maybe even choose what gender the pal has to be??
Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) Posted Jun 17, 2005
That sounds like a great idea Marc, I did think of suggesting something similar when I was typing my reply earlier. Incidently, I don't do tents, so you won't catch me without my hairdryer plus I've seen to many slasher movies which has put me off for life
my ex tried for 14 years to get me in a tent and failed miserably. Caravans yes, but a tent NOT TILL HELL FREEZES OVER
. Yeah you are right about it being the person inside but you still wouldn't get me in a cossie until I've lost some more weight and toned my wobbly bits up!
(U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) Posted Jun 17, 2005
mmmmmm so it looks like i`m going to have to get a caravan unless you know someone who has one??
I know what it is like to be carrying round more weight than you need i used to be 16 stone 42 waist but now down to 32 waist 13 stone..inside 12 month but big or small i can`t say i have ever been ashamed of my body..If you don`t mind me askin what height and weight are you (email me the answer if you and what would be your ideal size?..
cos i know people who look like stick insects and still think they are fat, the models on magazines are grose, Geri Haliwell loked horible when she lost all her weight now she has put some back on she looks stunning..I am going to have to come up to ashton and check you out..
kbrtiata Posted Jun 17, 2005
As you know, my family has been bronken
I hardly contact my mother(gosh, I don't want to call her "my mom")
But I keep my relationship with my cousin
and my grandmom, aunt-in-law... who understand me
Is this your answer to your message ???
Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) Posted Jun 18, 2005
Hi Marc
I've always had a thing about my body, it stems from being called as a child. I know this, but it doesn't stop the gremlins popping into my head. I used to be a size 10 many moons ago and when I look back to those days I was way too thin, although at the time I thought I was fat. These days I'm anything between a size 20 - 24 top (depending on where I shop) and in between sizes on my bottom, so if they did a size 19 I'd be that, lol. At 5ft 3 (and a bit) inches I'm about 4 1/2 stones overweight to get to my top weight of 10 stones for my height.
We do tend to see ourselves differently, my ex husband never really commented on my appearance but I guess that's better than calling me fat I suppose. My ex fiance used to go mad at me for saying I was fat and my current fella loves my figure so I guess I just see something different to everyone else.
You still won't get me in that cossie for a while yet I really need to get on with the weight loss cos me and my friend and her 2 daughters are going to Greece in October so I don't want you all hearing about the rare human looking whale that was found stranded on the beach
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: (U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) (Jun 7, 2005)
- 2: Billy60 ... (Jun 7, 2005)
- 3: (U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) (Jun 11, 2005)
- 4: serenity (Jun 16, 2005)
- 5: (U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) (Jun 16, 2005)
- 6: serenity (Jun 16, 2005)
- 7: (U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) (Jun 16, 2005)
- 8: serenity (Jun 17, 2005)
- 9: Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) (Jun 17, 2005)
- 10: Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) (Jun 17, 2005)
- 11: (U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) (Jun 17, 2005)
- 12: Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) (Jun 17, 2005)
- 13: (U555555) PRINCE OF VALHALLA (In Search Of Mr. Turniphead ) (Jun 17, 2005)
- 14: kbrtiata (Jun 17, 2005)
- 15: Julie (AKA Ann Maurice...the motto is, lighten, brighten, declutter and accessorise) (Jun 18, 2005)
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